Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Sex - The 'be kind' Sometimes Make It Difficult Orgasm

the sex
The Sex - For most men, have a nice looking couple could certainly enhance sexual satisfaction. But not for women, a 'sweet tooth' sometimes even damage nerves and reduce the sensation of pleasure during sex.

Not the sweet appearance of a partner that can reduce sexual pleasure, but the sweetness of sugar and simple carbohydrates are consumed daily. Yes, diabetes can lead to sexual dysfunction in women.

In men, diabetes is often associated with risk of impotence or impotence. Because the excess blood sugar levels can cause damage to nerves and blood pemuluh including the flow of blood to the male genitalia.

However, similar effects have not been studied in women who do not require an erection during sex. In any condition from pelumasannya enough, women have been considered not to have serious sexual problems.

More recently, scientists from the University of California revealed that damage nerves and blood vessels to the intimate or genital area can cause problems in women. It does not look like impotence in men, but the effect is felt.

"Women with diabetes in this study had more sexual problems, but his passion was as tall as a healthy woman," said Dr. Alison Huang, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (07/29/2012).

Based on the observations of 2300 women with diabetes in California, 30 percent claimed not to be sexually satisfied despite often having sex as often as women's health. Dissatisfaction is make the most of the participants failed to reach orgasm.

Diabetes itself there are two kinds, namely type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a disorder of insulin derived from birth, while type 2 diabetes is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and eating too many sweet things like sugar and simple carbohydrates.

The Sex - Women Sensitive dots Frequently Ignored

the sex
The Sex - Female sexual arousal can be increased through the touch of a woman's sensual spots. Men may forget a few points on the body of a woman who gives comfort and increase sexual pleasure as foreplay.

As reported womansday, Saturday (28/07/2012), provide sensual stimulation to the woman the following seven points to increase your sex drive:

1. The lower abdomen

Lower abdomen or genital area above where the pubic hair grows, is also a sensitive part of women. Provide a soft touch on these areas can increase a woman of passion and sensitivity.

A study from Indiana University, published in the International Journal of Sexual Health found that women who feel more positively about their genitals more frequently and better orgasms.

2. Behind the knee

One woman's sexual point is often overlooked is the area behind the knee. When her partner touched this area, maybe she would feel funny, but it will soon turn into fun when massaged gently using oil or lotion.

3. Stomach

Gentle massage to the abdomen can provide an erotic experience for some women. In fact, in some cases, women can reach orgasm just by doing some abdominal exercises.

Not all people get the same effect of massage on the abdomen, but caressing her stomach before the start of foreplay can help improve mood. Touch may also cause vaginal muscles to feel anticipate and enhance.

4. Lip

Lips is one of the most erotic on a woman's body. Spend at least five minutes just kissing or touching her lips with your fingers before intercourse can increase arousal.

5. Scalp

Women have always loved the scalp massage while in the salon. So the husband can give a similar touch to your scalp to release tension. Experts say that rubbing your scalp can increase the hormones dopamine and serotonin in the blood stream relaxing.

6. Foot

Some men find that women's legs look more attractive. Massage on specific points on the feet can trigger sexual arousal and making her feel comfortable.

7. Neck

The neck is a very sensual part of the female body. Massaging your shoulders and gave a gentle kiss from the hairline to the nape of the neck can give tremendous sexual sensation for women.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Sex - How To Generate Back Passion Sex After Natural Stress

the sex
The Sex - When a person is faced with difficult conditions, he tends to stress and no desire to have sex with your partner. Overcome it in a proper way so that domestic harmony is maintained.

As reported womansday, Friday (07/27/2012) The following are the eight conditions of stress that can cause someone to lose their sexual desire and how to cope, among others:

1. Give birth

After you give birth, you adarah flooded stream or the love hormone oxytocin which causes you to focus on maternal and infant bonding, rather than the bond between husband and wife that makes you miss the sex.

In addition to the physical changes that occur after childbirth, women also experience emotional changes. For most women who had just become a mother, hugging and touching the baby is more important than foreplay.

A woman after childbirth may be ready for sex if he appreciates the physical and emotional bond between mother and infant. Therefore, be a husband who pay attention to and support the activities of the wife with your baby.

2. Disease

Most people feel stress when she was diagnosed with the disease that changed his life. So you need to restrict themselves from certain activities during recovery from illness.

After you finish treatment, you may physically not ready to have sex. You should consult with your doctor how much longer the treatment and whether treatment has certain side effects to prepare for sex when you are ready.

You can also spend time communicating with health recovery with your partner so that the emotional relationship between husband and wife stay strong. You both also need to realize that you are suffering from disease conditions that can not be blamed on lack of marital sexual activity.

That had been building an emotional connection can make you not feel awkward to start having sex again after recovering from illness.

3. Drug

Just as disease, drugs used to treat serious diseases can also reduce the desire for sex. Cure for diabetes, depression, heart disease conditions, high blood pressure and other illnesses can make a person not ready for sex.

If after taking these drugs, you are experiencing a decrease in sexual desire, consult the use of the drug to doctors. Doctors may be able to adjust the dose or switch you to another drug that is equally effective to overcome the disease but do not have the same effect on sexual desire.

For example, birth control pills that contain less than 50 mg hethinyl hormone estradiol is able to prevent pregnancy, but less likely to reduce libido in oral contraceptive users than others.

If your doctor can not change drugs, increase your routine by finding new ways to explore and enjoy sex together. Add vibrators, lubricants, sex toys and even a sex therapist if necessary.

4. Menopause

Reached its lowest level of the hormone estrogen at menopause, which occurs on average at age 51. Thyroid hormone levels also decreased, so that you only have a bit of energy for lovemaking, but it decreases blood flow to the vagina and inhibit lubrication.

But the menopause does not mean the end of sex life. You just need to give your body extra time to feel aroused. You should also consider consulting with a doctor to determine whether efforts to address the symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and fatigue make you less and less excited.

5. Overwork

A study from the University of Wisconsin found that sexual dissatisfaction was not influenced by how many hours you work, but how much you enjoy your work. But kerj long hours to 12 to 16 hours a day can make you tired and decided to go straight to bed when he got home.

Do not procrastinate you can accomplish in the office as soon as possible. Once home, spend time relaxing, enjoying at least 20 minutes with time to relax and chat with your partner. This resting time will make you less tired and ready for sex.

6. Termination of Employment (FLE)

When someone is laid off from his job, he will get a heavy blow, and the stress that made her forget her sex a moment to calm and find a new job.

To re-establish sexual relations after the sacking of the problem, you need to explore yourself first to increase the confidence that is lost due to layoffs. A study shows that if you increase your confidence and sense of accomplishment, it can increase your sex drive.

7. Infidelity

You may be too hurt and angry after your spouse to admit an affair even had sex with other people. This makes you limit yourself from having sex with a partner.

If you stick to re-establish your relationship, you need to consult a psychologist to help you rebuild the trust and the marital relationship in a healthy way.

8. The couple's death

Someone who is too grief-stricken over the death of a spouse, may take considerable time to be ready to know the nature of others, marriage and sexual relationships. Tell your situation to a new partner to partner understand and respect the trauma that you feel.

Arouse sexual desire in romantic activity with a partner such as hiking and picnicking together. This can help you bring back the excitement and increase the flow of sexual energy. A study showed that physical intimacy can help relieve depression and emotional pain.

The Sex - Swallow Sperm Can Relieve Symptoms of Nausea Vomiting During Pregnancy Young

the sex
The Sex - Morning sickness usually occurs in pregnant women with symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting in the morning until noon. Morning sickness appears minimal at week 4 and a maximum at week 16 but the long period is different for every woman.

Although this disorder normally occurs during pregnancy, many pregnant women who feel depressed when experiencing it. No wonder that pregnant women perform a variety of ways to overcome them. One was proposed by Gordon Gallup, a psychologist at SUNY, Albania.

Gallup said that the best way to treat morning sickness is to swallow the liquid that makes you pregnant, no other than the sperm. But of course you use the sperm must come from your own partner.

Contrary to widely circulated belief all along that food is the trigger morning sickness in pregnant women, Gallup theorizes that this is caused by a baby in the womb itself. This baby is made ​​of a material that is considered 'foreign' by the body giving rise to a negative response from bodies such as pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Therefore, to suppress it, pregnant women were asked to swallow a number of their partner's sperm in the morning. "But if you get pregnant thanks to the program in-vitro fertilization (IVF) with sperm that is not from your partner then this method is not useful," Gallup said as quoted by Yourtango, Friday (27/07/2012).

Gallup explains this is because the largest component of morning sickness is the result of sperm exposure to 'foreign' of the couple. Whereas in women undergoing IVF conception did not involve his own sperm from her partner.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Sex - Important Dates and Sugarcane for Pregnant Women

the sex
The Sex - Pregnant women need the nutrients essential for growth of the baby such as folate, fiber and iron. You can get these nutrients from the foods that you may often avoid such as onions and basil leaves.

Here are eight types of foods contain essential nutrients needed during pregnancy such as date palms and sugar cane that was launched from fitpregnancy, Wednesday (25/07/2012):

1. Dates

Dates in 1 cup or 8 seed, was able to donate 5 grams of fiber. Although it contains high amounts of sugar, but the date palm also contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It is important for the development of the formation of teeth under the gums in babies still in the womb.

Dates are also a good source of iron. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, especially during pregnancy because of increased blood volume and demands of millions of baby's development to produce red blood cells. In addition, the dates also contain vitamin K needed for blood formation and bone.

2. Chives

Often only used as a green onion garnish and tend to be ignored. whereas, green onion are a source of folate, iron, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium.

Folic acid is the most important nutrients in the first trimester of pregnancy. Without folic acid, your baby may have an increased risk of structural defects which can be fatal. Magnesium also helps relieve constipation, a common symptom during pregnancy.

3. Pinto beans

Pinto beans, peanuts kind of smaller size and various other types of nuts generally contain fiber, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Iron is essential for making hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to your baby. Phosphorus and calcium are useful to ensure that babies bones and teeth grow healthy.

One of the best strategies to help prevent nausea and vomiting during the first trimester is to keep your stomach feeling satisfied and full. Foods with high fiber content can help you reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.

4. Pumpkin seeds

As your uterus grows during pregnancy, back muscles, abdomen and pelvis require extra power to stretch. Pumpkin seeds contain high amounts of protein. Eating foods that contain high protein can make the muscles work better.

A serving of pumpkin seeds also contain more than 25 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium. This helps speed up your ability to use carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy.

5. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain omega-6 fatty acids needed for proper cell integrity, a healthy nervous system function and immune system. Development of the mammary gland, placenta and the uterus is also dependent on sufficient levels of healthy fats in your body.

Sesame seeds are also a good source of thiamin, phosphorus and manganese are necessary for the development of a healthy baby.

6. Basil

Basil is a super food for pregnancy, which contain vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Basil is also packed with iron content is important to keep your energy level.

7. Herrings

Herrings contain 2 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which is one of the highest concentrations of fish oil content in other seafood. Janis is also safe to fish from the level of contaminants such as mercury that are harmful to pregnant women.

DHA during pregnancy may support brain development in utero. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women in the fish oil containing high levels in the blood had babies with better sleep patterns in the first 48 hours after birth.

Experts have predicted that infants sleep in the early birth reflects the maturity of the nervous system, so that adding fish to your diet can help your baby's brain matures.

8. Molasses syrup

Molasses, known as molasses has a sweet taste that sticky. Molasses has some hidden nutrients, including magnesium, manganese and vitamin B6. Manganese is an essential mineral that plays a role in normal bone development of babies. Just one tablespoon a day to benefit amkan healthy molasses.

Vitamin B6 acts as a sodium-phosphorus reserves that determines how much water you have in your body. And potassium is another mineral that is involved in water retention. Get enough vitamin B6 and potassium can help you shrink the swollen feet and ankles is common in most people get pregnant.