Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Sex - Weird things that Can Make Women 'On'

the sex
The Sex - Compared to men, women are more difficult to 'on' or passionate for sex. It took a few minutes to tease or touch the sensual body. But you know there are some strange things that can make a woman instantly 'on'.

Here are some strange things that can make a woman excited, as reported by boldsky, Friday (06/29/2012):

1. clothes neat
Women love a man who dressed neatly. Some women can be excited when you see a man in business attire, others prefer to see a man with a casual or stylish, depending on his personality.

2. Looking at the body's own
Many women who become excited when looking at the body itself. For example, when he used a mini skirt or a dress with a slit width of the neck, which made ​​him feel sensual.

3. neck
For most women, the neck can make the 'on'. Although strange, but the neck is the sensual man who liked women. But that does not mean you have to use a wide-necked shirt or a shirt. Let the parts of the body is naturally seductive woman.

4. Body wet
As with men, women also feel happy when you see a man's body is wet, especially the neck, shoulders, chest and back.

5. romantic movies
Most women really love to watch romantic movies. If you see intimate scenes in the film, she will usually get a good mood for sexual intercourse. So, try watching a romantic movie together.

The Sex - Keep track of Love and Sexual Desire Relationships in Brain

the sex
The Sex - Love and sexual desire may be related to each other because both are controlled by the brain. But it turns out both are controlling a different area in the brain but affect each other.

The researchers conducted an analysis of 20 previous studies that do monitor on a person's brain activity when looking at erotic pictures or photographs partner.

This analysis is intended to show the relationship between feelings of love with sexual desire in the human brain. It turned out that love and sexual desire activates two distinct but related areas of the brain.

Specific regions activated by a desire, such a fun activity such as sex or food. Then the other areas activated by love, for example, linked by a sense of fun prizes, awards and even a drug addiction.

True love is a habit formed from sexual desire to the desire to feel appreciated. Feelings of love works the same way as in the brain when people are addicted to drugs.

Love also activate pathways in the brain that involves the desire to bind the partner's feelings or the desire to have each other. Some areas of the brain will be less active when people experience love than when feeling sexual desire.

"Sexual desire has a very specific purpose, while the goal of love is more abstract and complex," said study author Jim Pfaus, a professor of psychology at Concordia University in Montreal, as reported by the health, Friday (06/29/2012).

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Sex - Why I say No Virgin And Unprecedented Penetration

the sex
The Sex - Doc I want to ask, how's character is still virgin? I hesitated, because this is the second time I heard that I was not virgin anymore. The first one told me my ex boyfriend and that both my fiance (both foreigners) when we only had oral sex only and has not been penetrated.

I'm confused how come, but I never connected with anyone. But I remember when I first junior ever to fall off the bike about 4 times the right of the holder, I still remember the pain until now, how it docks? Thank you.

Rena C (Women's Singles, 25 Years),
Height 161 cm and weight 62 Kg


Rather strange and erroneous statement that both your partner. Intact hymen (Hymen) should be checked by obstetricians or midwives, specialists in obstetrics clinics through intra-vaginal examination procedure. The layman (layman) might not be able to execute it.

Trauma could be hard on the buttocks cause irritation to the hymen, but it happens very rarely.

Worth considering as a reflection: "Why is virginity (virginity) is always questionable. But, the problem of" virginity "is never questioned. This shows the lack of gender equality.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The Sex - Husband Dress As Women Married 12 Years After

the sex
The Sex - I have been married for 12 years and has 3 children, my husband likes to wear or dress up like women, but my husband just love or are interested in the opposite sex (female).

He already had this disorder before meeting me, but I just found out after marriage. Once i was asked, he as a child just playing with cousin sister, play dishes and cook-houses like the girls in general.

As an adult he never hung out with a transsexual, so increasingly encouraged her desire to dress up like women. He has repeatedly tried to change but could not.

Can it be cured? And whether he could be a normal man? How to cure?

Lala (Married Women),
Height: 150 cm Weight 50 kg


Sdri.Lala good. At first glance I thought your husband might be a transvestite, or individuals who can be aroused if the use or dress up as women. Can be cured or not I do not dare say anything because it was necessary counseling to determine the diagnosis.

Frankly sdri.Lala, in fact if your husband satisfy you sexually, not physically or emotionally cheating with another woman during marriage, regardless of the habit of wearing women's clothes at home, it seems your partner is a husband and good father to you and your family .

If your husband dressed woman in the house just is not made public, my advice is you better relax accept 'custom antique' your husband. After all, do not hurt anyone and did not violate the law. Enjoy life :)

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Sex - Is cholesterol foods can disturb Sex?

the sex
The Sex - Dear Sir, Ma'am Zoya, my friend would like to ask what is the impact of high food berkolestrol of psychosexual, let alone as a crew boat that is rarely home. Sometimes once a year, new behind the fastest ship and month 3 months at home. Above explanation is spoken thanks.

Marfan (Married Female, 46 years),,
Height 165 cm, weight 72 Kg


If your friend was a man of the problems of high berkoresterol foods will interfere with cardiovascular or blood flow. Which as we know ketidaklancaran blood flow caused by unhealthy lifestyles, like smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, food less berfiber (fiber), including a high berkoresterol can cause you interrupted impotence or premature ejaculation.

So if you do not want to experience things as impotence or premature ejaculation either try to change the lifestyle associated with food berkoresterol and start trying to exercise.

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi

Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.