Friday, May 11, 2012

The sex - Drug addicted to laxatives, Daily Item Can Take Up to 90

The sex
The sex -  Because it always dibully by my friends at school and say fat, Ruth Wilkins wants to lose weight quickly. He has been on a strict diet, but not much changed. He also tried laxatives, which ultimately makes addicted to drink up to 90 eggs a day.

Addiction to laxatives began when he was 16 years old, when I saw a documentary about anorexic singer Karen Carpenter. Ruth Wilkins (39 years) was finally inspired from the star, who used laxatives to lose weight.

After 23 years of regularly taking laxatives, do not be surprised if the mother of one child to addiction. Even in this day can consume up to 90 eggs per day.

At least he has claimed more than 140,000 items of laxatives and spent about 30,000 pounds ($ 443 million) to meet these dangerous habits.

One day, his stomach stopped working altogether and have him taken to the hospital. Due to a strange addiction, Ruth was now suffering from brittle bone disease and cardiovascular disorders.

"My Weight 82.5 kg in the teenage years and continues to receive taunts about her weight at school, but I do not know how to control eating. So when I saw a documentary about Karen Carpenter, I decided to try to purge himself," said Ruth Wilkins , a native of Whitefield, Greater Manchester, England, as reported by Thesun, Friday (11/05/2012).

The sex - Thigh Squeeze Every Love Always, Is Sperm Can Go?

The sex
The sex -  I have been married 6 months, each ML is always close because when opened wide thigh pain during penetration. Is this way the sperm can not enter? I had a cyst operation Bartolini before marriage.


ML does not have normal thighs pressed together, because it will inhibit lubrication (pelendiran) vaginal and penile penetration. This causes pain when the thigh stretches.

Presumably, there are psychological factors that make your thighs close spontaneously when the husband's penis would penetrate. Try to do a longer foreplay and relax (relax), because you are dealing with is the beloved husband of your choice, rather than 'being' the other.

Possible operations cause cysts Bartolini 'base of the trauma' psychic you are. Understand, these operations are finished and wound healing will not open again when penile penetration. Believe me!

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The sex - How the Future of Private Health Insurance After BPJS?

The sex
The sex - On January 1, 2014, Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) is expected to be operational. BPJS This will ensure all Indonesian people can access basic health services. In BPJS, all previous public health insurance programs will merge into one, including Askes, Jamkesmas, Social Security and Jampersal.

Government of Indonesia plans to require all residents to participate BPJS by paying monthly dues. Whose contributions range may be about USD 15000-27000 per month, but has not been determined because it is still awaiting discussion. Because this program is not profit oriented, so if the number of excess or considered objections could still face down again.

For people who already have private insurance, wamenkes urged not to worry because BPJS intended to cover basic health services. People who have private insurance can choose the treatment to other hospitals that are better suited to their financial capabilities.

"People who already have private insurance still have to go BPJS to meet basic health needs. BPJS point is mutual cooperation, a healthy helping the sick, the rich helping the poor and the young helping the old," said Ghufron Mukti Ali, Deputy Minister of Health in a press conference on the implementation of the Ministry of Health BPJS, Friday (11/05/2012).

The sex - Since Teen Masturbation like, How Do Stop?

The sex
The sex -  Ms. Zoya, I would like to inquire about my sexual behavior. From the age of 17 I began to frequent masturbation to frequent masturbation married as well. How do I get rid of the habit of masturbation that it?


Masturbation habits you do not need to be eliminated as long as masturbation does not interfere with your sexual relationship with his wife, during masturbation can help keep it turned on by his wife. Do not until you can not work if it is not masturbation, and do not want to do social activities because they have to masturbation is harmful. If it makes you onanai fine can still work and still have sex with real wives do not need to be stopped.

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

The sex - Many Pregnant Women Who Fear of Exercise

The sex
The sex -  Do not be surprised if many pregnant women who do not want to exercise for fear of damaging or disturbing the fetus. Yet according to one study, exercise during pregnancy is shown to be beneficial for a pregnant woman so that she and her fetus remains healthy.

"Although many people know the benefits of exercise for pregnant women, it turns out there are pregnant women who are afraid to exercise because of fear of hurting her child," said researcher Melissa J. Hague, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Wichita as reported by WebMD, Friday (11/05/2012).

In a study involving 90 pregnant women, Melissa found that many pregnant women who had previously diligently exercising sudden stop that habit when pregnant. Some of them thought the sport, such as walking is not even safe to do so during pregnancy.

Light exercise for 30 minutes or more every day seems to be safe for pregnant women, advice Hague. But the high-risk sports activity falls, sports that require contact with other players as well as diving should not be done. Do not forget to consult with your obstetrician first before starting an exercise program.

The study was conducted Hague and his team through telephone interviews with the 90 participants reached the age of 16-30 weeks of abortion.

The result, Hague learned that before pregnancy, nearly half of the participants claimed at least 90 minutes of light exercise per week. However, after pregnancy, less than 27 percent who do. "They claim to fear of hurting the baby," said Hague.