Saturday, May 5, 2012

Do not masturbate Pornography Use

the sex
When entering adolescence, sex is an overabundance is a normal thing. The problem, if not married, a great desire for sex is often confusing to teens and young adults, especially males.

Some people will do pre-marital sex. This is a risky thing, especially if the motive was simply because of sex, not love. BKKBN study in 2010 found that 30% of women feel forced into doing hubungans sex. 10% of them feel cheated because after having sex with her boyfriend, her boyfriend having an affair or leave it.

"Do it sex if it is really ready. If not, then there is a natural mechanism called wet dreams or erotic dreams. If still not enough, then the solution is masturbation," says Zoya Amirin, M.Psi, sexual psychologist in the event Blogger Talk organized sex BlogDetik Aldevco Octagon House, as written on Saturday (05/05/2012).

Masturbation is a good solution for sexual desire channeled, not knocked up or knocked up and does not cause disease. But Zoya cautioned not to masturbate to pornography because it makes the audience to question his sexuality.

"People end up comparing themselves with characters in the film. Though the movie was obviously engineered so that eventually become self-conscious. Pornogafi also can damage the brain due to addiction," said Zoya.

In order to further hone the feeling during masturbation, you should use a sexual fantasy only. making it safer from the dangerous addiction to pornography. Having sex before it is ready physically and spiritually can be bad.

"People who have had sex will definitely want to do it again. Because sex is fun. And it's always something fun to be repeated," said Zoya.

For men, sexual desire is influenced by the views and easily amused to see a sexy woman. Men and women who never had sex but not married tend to fall in free sex.

Sleeping With the Way, This Boy Without Hanging Yourself Aware Then Dies

the sex
Sleep disturbance is often fatal if the sufferer to walk in their sleep. As happened to a boy from Coventry, England, without realizing he was a walk in his sleep and then hanged himself and died.

Tegan Hancox, berusai four-year boy was found dead on December 16, 2011 with a neck rope entwined her favorite Hello Kitty purse. Position depends on her bed, her feet were about 5 cm from the floor.

His mother, Becky Hancox (24 years) panic when his son was found hanging and not breathing. He then lowered it and to resuscitate him, but unfortunately has not helped.

Investigation in the trial that was held recently, Becky said that her son did have a sleep disorder. He said, had 4 or 5 times she found her son was delirious and sleepwalking.

Becky thought, nature was revealed by Tegan's father who also had similar sleep disorders but did not cause this sefatal.

"He never goes to sleep 4 or 5 times. He's just getting out of bed as usual, up the stairs and talk gibberish. She did not wake up and not remember anything the next day," Becky said as dikutp from Dailymail, Friday (04/05/2012).

A pediatric consultant, Dr Peter Sidebotham presented at trial, said the case was purely a sad accident. Test results also showed the pathologist, the only cause of death was hanging himself Tegan.

As parents, Becky and Tegan stepfather, Stephen Shreenan (23 years) is considered to anticipate. Stephen lull Tegan at 7:00 pm on December 15, 2011, and then check it again 1.5 hours later to make sure their children sleep soundly.

Avoid Eating When Not Want It Hard Bdefecate

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Difficult to defecate (defecate) or constipation most often are usually caused by the body to eat less fiber. If you do not want to hard-Chapter should avoid some foods follows.

To avoid constipation, usually many health experts recommend to the emphasis on eating foods that contain fiber, like fruits and vegetables.

In addition, you should also avoid some foods that can trigger constipation, as reported by timesofindia, Saturday (05/05/2012):

A. processed foods

Frozen foods, burger or pizza can make the morning you will be hard for a bowel obstruction. When food is preserved, depleted of essential nutrients will be lost, plus the materials used such as flour or Maida is used almost in all the pizza, bread and noodles.

2. red meat

Eating red meat such as beef or pork on a regular basis, without balanced with vegetables, you may experience constipation. Get used to eat red meat accompanied by a salad, cooked vegetables, whole grain cereal or something that is rich in fiber.

3. caffeine

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or cola can make the body hydrated and dehydration is one of the main causes of constipation.

4. fried

Fried foods contain much oil and salt has some risk for digestive health, one of which slow down the digestive process.

Soy milk is not recommended Pregnant Daughter?

the sex
Although actually a lot of nutrients, soy milk is not recommended in some conditions such as pregnancy. According to recent research, soy milk can make offspring become infertile if taken at the time the girl was pregnant.

Research conducted by Wendy N Jefferson from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) showed that exposure to various compounds similar to estrogen during pregnancy may reduce the fertility of daughters. Instead of a barren mother hamilnya, but if it turns out her daughter pregnant.

One source of estrogen-like compounds which are found daily soy is a plant, so it is believed soy milk is not good to drink while pregnant daughter. If this conjecture is correct, then this may answer questions about unexplained infertility.

During exposure to estrogen-like compounds in the womb may affect long-term reproductive health. Its effects include the failure of fertilization and kalaupuan successfully fertilized, the embryo tends to be more difficult in the uterus.

According to Jefferson, this effect appears due to estrogen-like compounds that make the immune system is impaired in female reproductive organs. System called the mucosal immune response creates an unfavorable environment for fertilization and pregnancy.

Unfortunately the results of this study in mice demonstrated a new, not in humans so it still needs further research. Although the reproductive system of mice and humans are considered equal, there are opportunities that may be slightly different results when tested in humans.

The results of this study have been published in the journal Biology of Reproduction's Papers-in-Press. As quoted from Medicalnewstoday, Saturday (05/03/2012), Jefferson in his conclusion suggests that consumption of soy milk is reduced if a girl is pregnant.

Why Not Drugs like Viagra for Women?

the sex
During these powerful drugs like Viagra and cialis used to treat sexual disorders of erectile dysfunction in men. But why there is no drug like Viagra for women?

So far, several pharmaceutical companies have tried to create a drug that can be used to treat sexual dysfunction in women, but unfortunately no one has succeeded and did not get regulatory approval.

The researchers and experts reveal a cause of the difficulty of making a drug for female sexual response is due to women fairly complex, as quoted from MayoClinic, Saturday (05/05/2012).

For most women, the difficulties or problems in sexual desire may not be addressed until the bottom of the problem. This is because of the many factors that can affect sexual desire.

If you are having difficulty in terms of sexual function, in some cases doctors will prescribe hormones, creams, products for stimulating the clitoris or other treatment. However, this product does not work for everyone therefore need to consult with a sex therapy first.