Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Sex -4 Steps To Baby Sleep Faster

The Sex
The Sex -As a mother, you must make sure your child has enough sleep, but some babies are sometimes difficult to sleep at night. This may be due to a surge of growth or response to the period of its development.

Babies will sometimes wake up at midnight and require considerable time to be able to sleep again. If your baby has a sleep problem is chronic or prolonged, consult your child to the doctor.

But if your baby sleep problems took place in a shorter period, there are simple techniques you can try at home.

Here are 4 steps you can take the baby to fall asleep faster, as quoted from, Thursday (24/05/2012), among others:

A. Relaxation routine

Bathe your baby with warm water and use a dim light in the nursery to help calm him down. Prepare for your baby to sleep in his room quietly and without noise.

If you perform this action as part of a consistent nighttime ritual, the baby will respond to it as a signal that bedtime is near.

2. Give a touch stimulation

You can lie down with the baby to help her feel safe. Babies like to hear the mother's heartbeat. Rub gently wipe the baby's bottom to help him fall asleep fast. Stimulation in the form of motion or the mother's heartbeat sounds can make the baby feel comfortable and will sleep more quickly.

3. Disciplining baby sleep time

Arrange the baby's sleep schedule to waking at a regular time each day. It is you need to do when the baby was big enough so the baby can adapt to the daily routines of their parents.

It is necessary to teach your child to discipline up early in infancy. But be sure also hours sleep is enough to make it to bed earlier at night.

4. Give comfort to the baby

Babies need to feel a sense of security and attention. Do not let your baby cry herself to sleep. The more you respond to their needs, the baby will feel more secure and faster sleep.

The Sex -Rare syndromes Women Make It Eat At Bath Soap

The Sex
The Sex -Every person has the appetite is different. But these women have an insatiable appetite to eat it even when it is bath soap. This condition is known due to its rare syndrome.

Jade (20 years) are known to suffer from a rare genetic condition which gave her an insatiable appetite and weight gain are likely to have severe, even though he was only eating 750 calories per day.

"If left alone Jade could eat anything, and he will still think of being hungry. So we try to control what is eaten by Jade," said his mother Jane (50 years), as quoted by, Thursday (24/05/2012).

Jane says this is because the body can not efficiently convert fat into muscle so that Jade should be on a strict diet during his life so he would not be so fat that can be deadly.

Jade was diagnosed to have Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) at the age of 4 years. This condition makes the sufferer always feel intensely hungry because his brain does not send a satiety signal, and she had difficulty learning and emotional development so more slowly.

Her parents began to suspect there is a problem at Jade when the mother began to find the crumbs in his pocket, chocolate wrappers hidden in a drawer and a peak when Jane turned around for a while when bathing Jade, she discovered her daughter was chewing bubble bath.

"Another time I found out Jade was eating biscuits for the dog food from the bowl. At such times I realized that Jade was sick," said Jane who lives near Sudburry, Suffolk.

Actually, when born, Jade refused when fed and showed signs of developmental retardation. He was fed through a tube and doctors perform various tests to find out what was wrong.

At the age of 16 months starts to increase appetite and weight began to grow very fast, even the parents should begin to reduce their food intake. Since that time her weight continued to increase.

Jane reveals Jade manage to eat a constant challenge, he must ensure and monitor what is consumed by his daughter. But the hardest thing to do is say no to her daughter.

Despite a strict diet with only 750-950 calories in food consumption is healthy, he is still eating other foods that can make the weight increase of 3 kg in a day. In addition to the symptoms of PWS are prone to anger Jade, especially if the demands were not met.

Jade has a low metabolic rate, hence the mother encourages her daughter to exercise to burn calories as walking, swimming or using a stationary bicycle.

In addition Jane will also give a compliment if her daughter can behave well and be able to lose weight when he had eaten too much. This is because Jade prone to depression, for the words that are thrown must be considered carefully.

"My family is everything and I am very proud of my daughter. Jade will never be able to manage themselves, but for me here and he will always have me," said Jane.

The Sex -How To Stay Fresh While Keeping Eyes on the Home Monitor

The Sex
The Sex -Although it can be done by sitting comfortably in a chair, working in front of the monitor can be very tiring especially for the eyes. Consequently, many of which mgeluhkan dry eyes and sting, but can be prevented by simple means.

Fatigue after long hours in front of the monitor is characterized by a variety of complaints ranging from dry and itchy eyes, headaches, blurry eyes and looked red. These symptoms should not be overlooked, because it can sometimes indicate that increased eye pressure.

Increased pressure on the eyeball can cause serious harm if allowed to drag on. These conditions often lead to Computer Vision Syndrome, which includes damage to the cornea, chronic headaches, and even permanent eye damage.

Some ways to keep the eye in order to remain fresh even if it means working at a computer is as follows, as quoted from MensHealth, Wednesday (24/05/2012).

A. Adjust the monitor height
Position the monitor is ideally located 2-5 cm lower than the eye, measured while sitting in an upright condition. This position will reduce the stress experienced by the eye and at the same time limiting the exposure to bright light from the screen of the cornea.

2. Dim the lights
Room lights are too bright will beat the brightness of the screen. As a result, the display brightness will be increased to compensate when the eyes will get tired if you look at the monitor is too bright. The solution, dim the lights or move the monitor into a dim room so as not to dintingkatkan brightness.

3. Rest your eyes every 15 minutes
If you really do not have time, rest my eyes do not always have to do with the move from the desk. Simply by shifting the view to an object such as a short distance from 6-10 feet during the 10 was enough to make the eyes a rest. Do regularly every 15 minutes.

4. Do not forget to blink
While in front of the computer, without realizing the frequency of blinking is reduced so that the eye will dry quickly and feel tired. Keep the flicker frequency is not reduced too much, if necessary, use eye drops to keep the humidity.

The Sex -Grandma 93 Years So Lively World's oldest Yoga Teacher

The Sex
The Sex -Although she was already treading the number 93 years, did not make the Tao-Lynch Porchon stop practicing yoga. At the age is not young any more, he even became the world's oldest yoga teacher.

Official title was acquired from the Guinness World Records. Age was 93 years, but now he can practice yoga pose perfectly. Train yoga and dance are common to him and prove that age is just numbers for this nimble grandmother.

Porchon-Lynch had lived a perfect life, like marriage, acting, modeling, burlesque dancing, even marching with Gandhi twice.

Now he was given the title of a new Guinness World Records, which became the world's oldest yoga teacher.

"I will teach yoga until I could not breathe anymore, then I will 'fly to the next planet." I love yoga, it brightens my day and made ​​everyone smile, "said Tao Porchon-Lynch, as reported by the Telegraph, Thursday (24 / 5/2012).

On Monday, Tao teaches classes for groups of students at a dance studio in Harstdale, 25 miles outside New York City. He encourages students to discover the deepest reach of pose and said he also uses the same standard.

Tao never done hip replacement and the doctor told him that he would not be able to do yoga movements. But he believes and believes can do it.

"I said I do not want to know what I can not, because I do not believe it. I sent it (the doctor) my photos are yoga lotus style at the foot of the above. She called and told me her magic," he explained.

Tao became interested in yoga since he was 8 years old. At that time, it was observing a group of young men who were practicing yoga on the beach, at his home in Pondicherry, India. Right then he decided to do what men can do.

The Sex -The number of sperm in the World The Little Men of the Year to Year

The Sex
The Sex -God entrusted the child is a beautiful and grace in a marriage. If there are problems with fertility, is often the scapegoat was the wife.

This charge is not always true because the sperm is also taking part in fertilization. In fact, studies show that the number of sperm produced male diminishing from year to year.

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the average number of sperm a man is as much as 20-40 million per milliliter of ejaculate every time. But in recent years the numbers continue to decline.

Rampant cases of difficult to have children these days are also found the answer by the experts, low sperm count in men.

Distress signal was first identified in the 1990's through a controversial study in Denmark.

Conclusion The study shows that sperm counts dropped dramatically each year so the only remaining bit of sperm that a man can be produced within 50 years.

This study is not a figment. Dr. Shanna Swan, reproductive epidemiologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City to analyze the data used in the study from Denmark and ended the same result.

Swan found that sperm counts are considered to be some people in the prime years of his life is quite low. Male sperm count has decreased by 1.5% in the United States and 3% in Europe and Australia.

2011 years ago, Swan examines the men in the universities and colleges in the Rochester, New York. He found that 23% of men studied had a low sperm count to the extent that is necessary to see the fertility doctor. According to Swan, the trend is thought to have anything to do with the use of chemicals.

"The chemical flooding many household products. There are 80 000 chemicals all around us, but only a few that have been tested. No doubt that pesticides reduce sperm count. Question is how much exposure is acceptable so that it can cause damage?" Swan said as reported by, Thursday (24/05/2012).

Nevertheless, the global decline in sperm count has been troubling some of the parties. Dr Bernard Robaire of McGill University said that instead of the more important quantity, but quality of sperm.

According to him, there are cases in which men with low sperm counts can get naturally while the male offspring with low sperm counts more precisely never be hereditary.

"If it's got a little sperm, but very high in quality, then the DNA will not be damaged. Sperm can fertilize an egg cell and recognize," says Dr. Robaire.

Scientists may not be able to repair damage caused by exposure to these chemicals. But scientists are trying to find ways to overcome infertility with technology.

Through IVF, scientists can enable men with low sperm counts to have children of his wife.