Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Sex -The number of sperm in the World The Little Men of the Year to Year

The Sex
The Sex -God entrusted the child is a beautiful and grace in a marriage. If there are problems with fertility, is often the scapegoat was the wife.

This charge is not always true because the sperm is also taking part in fertilization. In fact, studies show that the number of sperm produced male diminishing from year to year.

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the average number of sperm a man is as much as 20-40 million per milliliter of ejaculate every time. But in recent years the numbers continue to decline.

Rampant cases of difficult to have children these days are also found the answer by the experts, low sperm count in men.

Distress signal was first identified in the 1990's through a controversial study in Denmark.

Conclusion The study shows that sperm counts dropped dramatically each year so the only remaining bit of sperm that a man can be produced within 50 years.

This study is not a figment. Dr. Shanna Swan, reproductive epidemiologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City to analyze the data used in the study from Denmark and ended the same result.

Swan found that sperm counts are considered to be some people in the prime years of his life is quite low. Male sperm count has decreased by 1.5% in the United States and 3% in Europe and Australia.

2011 years ago, Swan examines the men in the universities and colleges in the Rochester, New York. He found that 23% of men studied had a low sperm count to the extent that is necessary to see the fertility doctor. According to Swan, the trend is thought to have anything to do with the use of chemicals.

"The chemical flooding many household products. There are 80 000 chemicals all around us, but only a few that have been tested. No doubt that pesticides reduce sperm count. Question is how much exposure is acceptable so that it can cause damage?" Swan said as reported by, Thursday (24/05/2012).

Nevertheless, the global decline in sperm count has been troubling some of the parties. Dr Bernard Robaire of McGill University said that instead of the more important quantity, but quality of sperm.

According to him, there are cases in which men with low sperm counts can get naturally while the male offspring with low sperm counts more precisely never be hereditary.

"If it's got a little sperm, but very high in quality, then the DNA will not be damaged. Sperm can fertilize an egg cell and recognize," says Dr. Robaire.

Scientists may not be able to repair damage caused by exposure to these chemicals. But scientists are trying to find ways to overcome infertility with technology.

Through IVF, scientists can enable men with low sperm counts to have children of his wife.

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