Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Regarding splashy cases Condom Use

Condoms serve as a contraceptive that can delay and prevent pregnancy, and also to protect from sexually transmitted infections. Unfortunately, there is-there are errors in the use of condoms which resulted in the incidence of fatal and horrendous.

Condom users should know how to correct for the store, use and dispose of condoms. If not, condoms can lead to some incident which was considered quite dangerous.

New Declared Pregnant, 5 Hours Later Delivery

A husband and wife in Tennessee, Amanda and Billy Prentice has been waiting four years to get pregnant. When the doctor announced that she was pregnant, 5 hours later, she immediately gave birth to a baby girl.

A few days earlier she had a seizure, then Billy rushed her to hospital. Amanda was unconscious for two days and when he woke up, doctors said she suffered complications in the last months of her pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joyous as well shocking news because she did not experience the usual symptoms of pregnancy at all.

"I never felt something moving in my stomach even wearing the same clothes for two years without experiencing any change in clothing size," said Amanda as reported huffingtonpost, Wednesday (05/09/2012).

Amanda has been pregnant for several months without realizing it at the time of delivery and up to 5 hours after finding out she was pregnant. Her baby, Allie Rose McKinley, was born healthy weighing 5.5 pounds.

"Among pregnant women, one of 450 women did not know or too late to know the status of her pregnancy until week-20 and 1 in 2,500 women did not realize until the close of pregnancy" Jena Pincott says the author of Chocolate Lovers Do Sweeter Have Babies? and The Surprising Science of Pregnancy.

After exploring the phenomenon known as cryptic pregnancy, Pincott found that mental illness is not suitable to explain why pregnancy is not known.

Some women sometimes really do not have symptoms of pregnancy, and some have still menstruate early in pregnancy.

In short, cryptic Pincott found that pregnancy is associated with high stress a mother. In the case of Amanda, the only signs of pregnancy are experienced swollen feet.

Hi Ladies, you are more fertile than You Think

Maybe as a teenager, young women have not thought too much about pregnancy. But after the age of adulthood, most women begin to think 'what if I do not get pregnant at all?'

A new study reveals that 1 in 5 women at a young age think about fertility and feared the worst possibility is infertile or can not get pregnant at all as reported by womenshealth, Wednesday (05/09/2012).

Women do have a certain age range in which the condition is possible to conceive. You begin to get pregnant after first getting the first period because of your reproductive system starts working the moment.

When you are entering the age of 40 years, it may be difficult to conceive due to age and approaching menopause period. This does not mean you have problems with fertility.

People who can not conceive not only caused solely by genetic influences fertility, but also because of bad lifestyle or accident. In fact only about 6% of women under 30 years of age are infertile, and your chances of getting pregnant after age 40 is about 5%.

Actual age range you are old enough, so you can plan a pregnancy as well. But many women are delaying pregnancy for reasons of career and will begin to panic when she realized she was old enough to be pregnant.

Want to Try ML Pregnant Without Condom But Fear

paya frequent sex with my partner but always use protection, I felt the joy that it pengin sperm into the vagina, but afraid of getting pregnant. How do I let me not get pregnant without any protection, syringes, or even birth control pills? Please help.


Prevention of pregnancy before marriage, should condoms or spiral (IUD). Injections or pills can sometimes disrupt the hormonal balance in women who are sensitive. Also not be given to women with hypertension or a lump (tumor) on her organs. Also inhibit the occurrence of pregnancy often occur some time during his or her spouse and wants to stop the KB soon have a baby.

Use the calendar system is also possible provided that the woman had a fixed schedule menstruation. Sex when not fertile period is often done to avoid pregnancy. Women's fertile period is a day to 12 s / d 15, calculated from the first day of menstruation.

KB system calendar has a relatively good success rate when your wife menstruating regularly.

Obviously, intercourse should be avoided on days 12 through 15 fertile period of your partner, which is calculated from the first day of menstruation. When irregular menstruation should use condoms, because these systems tend to fail.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

Want a Normal Intimate Relationship with Women

I honestly often engage ML (fellow man) even like changing sexual partners. I feel there is lust with a girl, but I have never sex with girl how?

I pengin prove whether my penis get an erection with a girl what's the solution, to prove still get an erection with a girl? I have an erection if you see the normal blue film (girl with a boy) so if you see gay films? What I was normal like girls, am I bisexual?


If for example, without having sex or trial and error as well with women and you see blue movies as you say, or fantasize about sex with a girl you get an erection, I guarantee when having real sex with a woman you would still get an erection.

Chances are you bisexual means that you have the same passion between men and women. If for example, with the knowledge that the chances are that you get an erection or sexually attracted to men and women now live look who you love.

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.