A husband and wife in Tennessee, Amanda and Billy Prentice has been waiting four
years to get pregnant. When
the doctor announced that she was pregnant, 5 hours later,
she immediately gave birth to a baby girl.
A few days earlier she had a seizure, then Billy rushed her to hospital.
Amanda was unconscious for
two days and when he woke up, doctors said she suffered complications in the last months of her pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a joyous as well shocking news because she did not experience the usual symptoms
of pregnancy at all.
"I never felt something moving in my stomach even wearing the same clothes for two years without experiencing any change in clothing size," said Amanda as reported huffingtonpost, Wednesday (05/09/2012).
Amanda has
been pregnant for several months without realizing it
at the
time of delivery and up to 5 hours after
finding out she was pregnant. Her baby, Allie Rose McKinley, was born healthy weighing 5.5 pounds.
"Among pregnant women, one of 450 women did not know or too late to know the status of her pregnancy until week-20
and 1
in 2,500 women did not realize until the close of pregnancy"
Jena Pincott says the author of Chocolate Lovers Do Sweeter Have Babies? and The Surprising Science of Pregnancy.
After exploring the phenomenon known as cryptic pregnancy, Pincott found that mental illness is not suitable to explain why pregnancy is not known.
Some women sometimes really do not have symptoms of pregnancy,
and some have still menstruate early in pregnancy.
In short, cryptic Pincott found that pregnancy is associated with high stress a mother. In the case of Amanda, the
only signs of pregnancy are experienced swollen feet.