Friday, May 4, 2012

Drinks are Bad for Health

In the summer, cold and sweet drinks will tempt you to drink it. Besides the refreshing taste, certain drinks contain electrolytes that can replace lost body fluids after the move all day. But not all types of drinks good for your health.

You need to pay attention to the materials used in the manufacture of certain drinks before drinking it. Some beverages also can lead to obesity because of its sugar content is too much.

Here are 10 kinds of drinks are bad for your health as quoted from the shape, Friday (03/05/2012), among others:

Trick Down Weight After Childbirth: Eat But Not Reduce the Change Type

One thing I want to do after giving birth is gaining weight as before pregnancy. If you want to diet after giving birth to reduce the amount of food but not the kind note.

"Women who give birth out of breastfeeding should not reduce the amount of food but the foods are to be selected," said Dr. Samoel Oetoro, MS, SpGK in a press conference Seventh Seminar and Obesity Course at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Friday (04/05/2012) .

Samoel dr said when breastfeeding should enter the amount of calories plus 500 calories, equivalent to 1 serving lunch a lot. But that weight is not increased, then it can be lowered slowly by choosing the right foods.

For example, to choose complex carbohydrates like brown rice or boiled potatoes are eaten with the skin, drinking olive oil (olive oil) or for additional in salads, while the protein choose fish.

Consumed foods should avoid fried, but choose a healthier way of cooking such as steamed, boiled, Pepes, roast or soup, and be sure to exercise.

"Banyakin eating fiber, fruits and vegetables, would be down 2-3 kg a month. That's called a moderate diet is to lose weight bit by bit and it's safe," said Dr. MRCCC Samoel who practice in Siloam, Semanggi.

In addition, if not breastfeeding, dr Samoel give some tips or ways to get the ideal body that is:
A. Intention and motivation, know in advance what his intentions, for example to get the ideal body weight, or if you are young to the age of 50 years there will not be in a wheelchair due to heart but can still play with the family.
2. Reduce by a quarter portion of her eating normally.
3. Exercise like a walk for 30 minutes. For which this is not necessary to the gym (fitness center) and exercise like crazy, but could for example with a walk in the mall for 30 minutes nonstop, especially cold that makes the mall is usually a higher fat burning.

"Motivation is an emerging need or accompanied dijagain therefore need support, people who are dieting there are ups and down, when down it must be accompanied either by friends or family," he said.

In addition all participating pasein weight loss programs would suffer, but suffering it will generally be defeated by the intentions they have.

Like bachelors Fantasy Naughty Old Women Half

the sex
I am single unmarried men aged 34 years. I feel the sexual-libido Tendency and have a little bit more 'high'. And if when looking at, approaching, greet and direct contact, comment, or chat-chat in the virtual world with career women and the 'stw' (middle-aged around 40-50 years old) who has 'exciting sex-appeal' and physically still look fashionable, sexy and hot (eg sorry, yes, yes, like Ms. Zoya own figure).

Sometimes even carried to the nature hallucinations and naughty fantasies with one of them. Is it sexual-psychology is quite normal or abnormal? Thanks for medically and scientifically answer.


Ryan is cool, you Tendency normal sexual. You may be interested in a career women and the 'stw' including me. Fantasy is to carry over into the dream, if it indeed created their own fantasies and dreams are carried to it is quite normal.

But it was a question, you only dare to do it in cyberspace. You need to ask yourself why you do not dare to approach the women in the real world? Do you feel terindimasi by them?

If you feel intimidated to find out what is causing you to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or less confident in front of the women that you mentioned. The knowledge that you can use to increase your confidence to approach women that you like it.

So far from the information you provide is normal passion, it would be unusual if you are constantly interacting in cyberspace, you should be able to interact well in the real world with women who have traits that you admire them.

So find out what makes you not trust yourself then you should try hanging out with these women and well acquainted with and hang out in the real world so as not to be abnormal.

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.

Remove Terboros U.S. Health Costs, Japan Most fuel

the sex
Health is the right of every citizen must be guaranteed in full by the state. However, a recent study of 13 industrialized countries in the world shows that the Japanese health care costs the least while the United States spends the largest expenses, but without providing superior health care.

According to a report from The Commonwealth Fund, the United States spends nearly U.S. $ 8,000 or Rp 74 million per person in 2009 to pay for health care services.

This figure is larger than the other 12 countries studied are Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden or Switzerland.

In contrast, Japan spent the least cost is 2878 dollars per capita or USD 26.5 million in 2008.

The Commonwealth Fund itself is a private foundation concerned about the improvement of health care services in the United States.

The amount of expenditures for health care services in the U.S. more than 17 percent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was in 2009, while Japan just under 9 percent of GDP.

"Japan's operating system but with a paid service that offers unlimited access to specialists, hospitals and the supply of MRI and CT scans are great," the report said.

In contrast, in the U.S. health care system besieged by higher service rates and extent of the obesity epidemic, although the technology is more accessible.

The report also stated that the United States bagged the title as the country with the highest death rate from asthma and amputansi. This is related to diabetes are preventable and the average death rate in hospitals due to heart attack and stroke.

Price of prescription drugs is also a third more common in the United States than in Canada and Germany. Even more than double that paid for the same drugs in Australia, Britain, France, the Netherlands and New Zealand.

"Many Americans assume that people get more health care services than in other countries, but the fact is we do not often visit the doctor or hospital," said David Squires, senior researcher at The Commonwealth Fund as reported by AFP on Friday ( 04/05/2012).

"Maybe the high cost we pay for health care and heavy use mahallah technologies that tend to explain the reasons for the high health spending in the U.S.. Unfortunately, we did not get a better quality of service for this high spending," said Squires.

Cause Eye Damage in Asia Due Diligence Learning Too

Character of Asians make diligent and hardworking in the interpretation of this study is relatively high. But the price paid for such achievement is the high level of eye damage, especially nearsightedness or myopi.

Currently, an estimated 80-90 percent of students in Asia in several major cities in Asia suffer myopi or farsightedness and must use the minus glasses. Most of them are in East Asia such as Japan, China and South Korea.

Even according to these estimates, 10-20 myopi students who experience severe and can be categorized at risk of permanent blindness.

In an article in the journal Lancet, Professor Ian Morgan of the Australian National University said that one of the main causes is the education factor. Hardworking culture among the Asian community to make his students tend to learn too diligent.

"The increase in cases myopi in Asia may be related to an increase in the intensity of education. Moreover, in recent years, East Asia has always dominated the international rankings in terms of learning achievement," writes Prof. Morgan, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (05/04/2012).

While studying, students tend to read in a conscious tanmpa distance is too close to his position better. In fact, if done continuously, then the lens will fall so easily affected myopi or difficulty seeing objects at a distance.

In addition, the lack of outdoor activities are also believed to affect the high levels of nearsightedness or myopi among Asian students. As I've reported previously detikHealth, rare sun can make the eye susceptible to damage.

Studies in animals show that exposure to sunlight is sufficient to maintain eye health as it can increase dopamine in the retina. These compounds can be believed to reduce the risk myopi as has been demonstrated in primates.