Monday, May 21, 2012

The Sex - Step 4 Keeping the Body Immune System Still Good

The Sex
The Sex - Your body has the ability to protect themselves against bacterial and viral disease called immune or immune system. But your immune system is weakened and can not work optimally if not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

When you fall sick, the doctor usually includes antibiotics to restore your immune system is weak.

However, the use of antibiotics is wrong and unhealthy lifestyles can mess up your immune system and makes the body unable to fight infection.

Here are four steps you must take care that your immune system working optimally, as reported from redbookmag, Monday (5/21/2012), among others:

A. Use antibiotics correctly

Ask your doctor's instructions about the use of antibiotics and follow what your doctor instructed. Every time you miss a dose, use of antibiotics is not completed until they run out, or drink alcohol while you are in a period of treatment, would make the antibiotics do not work effectively and provide the opportunity for bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

2. Buy meat labeled as organic

Many cattle are raised with the use of antibiotics for animals. Beef that has been contaminated antibiotics are not good to eat, then buy meat at the supermarket that is labeled organic or examine the condition of the meat if you buy them in the traditional market.

3. Consumption of vegetables and fresh fruits

Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins that are good for keeping your immune system. Eat vegetables and fruits can also be a natural antibiotic for the body. Choose vegetables and fruits are organic and free from pesticide exposure.

4. Do not eat out too often

You will not know how the quality of food served in a dish of your favorite restaurants. Maybe the restaurant uses organic meats and vegetables that are not are not fresh. Eating unhealthy foods can weaken your immune system.

5. Regular exercise

Regular exercise will make your body be fit and increases the body's immune system. Hence, those who diligently exercising is not easy to hurt.

The Sex - Top 5 Facts About Male Condoms

The Sex
The Sex - Although researchers have repeatedly shown that using condoms is one of the best methods to prevent unintended pregnancies, but recently its effectiveness is much debated in various forums.

Moreover, it has a lot of misinformation appears inadequate and research related to the use, benefits and facts about condoms correctly.

Therefore, to end the confusion and misunderstanding, the following top 5 facts about the male condom as reported from timesofindia, Monday (5/21/2012):

A. In fact, condoms chance to fail to prevent pregnancy is not more than two percent.

Most cases occurred because the condom is not used properly. Condoms should be used on an erect penis so that sperm can not enter the vagina. Choose condoms made ​​of latex, polyurethane and polyisoprene because of these materials helps to protect the pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

2. A person may not use a condom if you suffer from allergies to latex.

3. Some people tend to believe that two condoms are better than one condom.

Though this is not true. In fact, you yourself are likely to increase the risk of tearing of the condom because of the high level of friction.

4. The main causes tearing of the condom include long duration of sex or rough sex using oil-based lubricants, dry vagina and the condom packaging is opened with a sharp object.

5. It is important for you to keep condoms in a cool, dry place. This is because the extreme heat and humidity can cause the condom to be brittle and likely to be damaged during intercourse.

The Sex - When Sex Vaginal Infection Safe, Origin ..

The Sex
The Sex - Some women sometimes easy to become infected in the vagina. If this happens, the concern arises whether it is safe to have sex when there is infection.

"This condition depends on the cause of infection in the vagina. Medically, it is okay to have sex as long as vaginal infections that have not included a sexually transmitted infection," said Mary M. Gallenberg, MD, a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Mayo Clinic, as quoted from Mayoclinic, Monday (05/21/2012).

However Gallenberg said this back in the condition of a person, sometimes that intercourse can cause discomfort or even painful if the vagina has an active infection, although this is not a sexually transmitted infection.

Gallenberg explain some of the most common cause of vaginal infections are:
A. Infections caused by fungi such as candidiasis
2. Infections caused by bacteria (bacterial vaginosis)
3. Trichomoniasis

"Fungal infections and bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted, but if you have vaginal infection is usually sexually transmitted trichomonas," said Gallenberg.

So when an infection in the vagina disebebakan by Trichomoniasis then better do not always have sex because it can be contagious. Meanwhile, if exposed to candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis are still allowed because it is not contagious.

Avoiding sex is not going to help a person recover from the infection more quickly. But it is a good idea to avoid it until treatment is completed and the symptoms disappear in order to minimize the risk of recurrent infection.

Various things can be known to cause infection in the vagina, for example, if caused by bacteria mostly because of the good and bad bacteria in the vagina that is not balanced.

Whereas if the cause is due to fungi as diverse as the use of soap allergens, using a too-tight pants, giving rise to a humid environment, or lack of personal hygiene in the intimate area.

The Sex - Why Itchy Vagina After Intimate Relationships?

The Sex
The Sex - Doc, why after I have intercourse, vaginal itching and burning, especially when I wash it with water? What should I do to keep it from happening again? Thank you.


Vaginal itching and burning when the water washed after intercourse is completed instruction has occurred irritation and allergic reactions in the vaginal wall.

If the cleanliness and health of your vital organs and her husband well enough, it is likely the cause is lubrication (pelendiran) vagina is not optimal. Try doing 'foreplay' longer before penetration penis into the vagina.

But the solution will be different, if one or both partners have health problems in vital organs.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The Sex - When the Fertile Period, Assess Women Often Wrong Men

The Sex
The Sex - When the fertile period, many women tend to choose men sexy. Even though he's unreliable, and 'naughty' than men who are caring and dependable. Why is that?

Recent research has found that it seems this is caused by hormones. When ovulating, many women who can not stand the man refused to rogue and sexy, although the chances for long-term relationship with him would never have existed.

"Previous studies have shown the week of ovulation, a woman becomes attracted to a handsome man, naughty and sexy as George Clooney or James Bond. But it is yet unclear why the woman thought to pursue long-term relationships with men like this as a wise decision, "said researcher Kristina Durante, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

Durante tried to discover how powerful hormones can affect women in choosing men who would be a good father to his children.

According to Durante, when influenced by ovulation, the woman tried to convince himself that the 'naughty and sexy man' could have turned into a loyal partner and good father. "Ovulation was made 'Mr. Wrong seems like Mr. Right'," he added of emaxhealth, Monday (05/21/2012).

For the study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, participants (all female of course) are shown online profiles of two types of men, sexy or reliable. However, the profile status (single / married) will be shown in two periods, when the participants were approaching the time of ovulation or during the fertile and low fertility.

When asked about online profiles, the participants are close to ovulation commented that sexy man would be willing to cook, clean the house and shop and help raise a child.

In the second experiment, participants met with the actor who acted as a man of 'naughty' or 'father of reliable'. The actor was asked to act in the same two periods, when the participants experienced a period of ovulation and when participants are not in the fertile period.

"When asked what kind of father would be if a man is sexy naughty and had a child with another woman, participants can quickly show its shortcomings," said Durante. "But when talking about his own son, who are ovulating participants believe that he can be charismatic and a great father to his children".

In conclusion, the answer to the question "why some women pursue relationships with men attractive, dominant and captivating that does not want a relationship" seems merely because of hormones.

This means in a state close to ovulation disturb the perception that women tend to choose men sexy and unreliable than the man who can be relied upon and the prospective father. Moreover according to Durante as possible for a woman to marry a man who was too sexy to be missed.