Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sex - Should not Always Treated, Cough Sometimes There Just in Mind

the sex
The Sex -Many people are too dependent upon the drug when it starts to complain of coughing. Yet according to research, sometimes cough only in the mind and still recover even if only given the fake drugs that are not empty.

Research conducted at the University of Queensland involved 21 adults who are asked to inhale steam containing capcaicin sting. This steam is made from an extract of chili, which in this study functioned as a cough stimulus.

Previously, some participants were asked to inhale the spray by the researcher is said to contain a local anesthetic called lidocain. In theory, the administration of lidocaine would reduce the cough response, so that participants were more resistant to steam inhale without coughing chili.

Sure enough, the participants were first sprayed with a drug before inhaling the vapors chili less coughing. Cough stimuli experienced by the participants in this group rendan 45 percent more than participants who did not spray any medicine.

But after research, the scientists revealed that the drug was sprayed alias placebo drug is empty so it does not directly affect repons cough. This means that without treatment, cough can actually resolve themselves by means of controlling the mind.

"I was very surprised at how much the participants on the use of a placebo response. This is huge," said Stuart Mazzone, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (19/06/2012).

Previously, research at Cardiff University has also been revealed that the placebo effect is working on a complaint mild cough. Cure rates in patients given placebo or empty drug given just the same as a real cough.

"I think the key is, that if the patient believes in the treatment of any drug (including the empty drug) effects will still arise," said Ronald Eccles, a researcher from Cardiff University.

The Sex - Old age is not reason to Reduce Portion Sex

the sex
The Sex - Many people think to reduce their sexual activity as women age. With age, there is a change in your sexual life, but if it is still normal, not a problem for you untu still enjoy sex in old age.

As reported by the everydayheath, Wednesday (20/06/2012), at the age of 50 years, men and women usually begin to see changes in sexual drive, sexual response, or both.

As with other physical changes that evolve over time, this is not a sign that you will lose sexuality, but that is normal sign of aging.

When a man enters the age of 50 years, normal aging will lead to decreased sex drive, it takes a long time to erection, and you may also be longer ejaculate, unlike when you're young.

Women, too, when entering the age of 50 years, will be a decrease of estrogen and androgen levels when menopause causes physical changes.

Normal aging in women is indicated by signs such as decreased sex drive, skin is more sensitive and sex may be painful due to vaginal dryness.

If the sexual changes that seem unrelated to the normal aging signs, consult your doctor situation. There are a number of drugs that can cause sexual problems, in addition to health conditions can also cause sexual problems.

With a little experimentation and patience, people can adjust to sexual changes and satisfy their sexual needs. Take the time to create a relaxed mood and engage in foreplay.

Use a lubricant when vaginal dryness so as not to hinder the old woman to enjoy sex. Sexual activity can still be made despite growing older ages, because it helps strengthen the couple when entering old age.

The Sex - Choose Where: For Preventing or Treating Sick Baby No Baby?

the sex
The Sex - One of the benefits of the vaccine is to prevent the child is exposed to certain diseases. But there are some people who reject their children vaccinated, but risk children become ill. So which one is chosen, to prevent or treat?

"If a vaccine that could provide 100 percent protection does not exist, the protection usually given around 80-95 percent," said Dr. Rifan Fauize, SpA of RSAB Hope Kita, Jakarta.
Even so dr Rifan said the vaccine is still effective to prevent disease, even if later the child is exposed to the disease symptoms are not so heavy.

If the child contracted the disease does not mean the immunizations are given to fail, because its protection is not 100 percent. But the symptoms are more mild and harmless compared with an unvaccinated child could have suffered serious illness or disability.

But if a lot of babies or children who are not fully immunized, it did not rule out the occurrence of plague that makes a lot of kids get sick or even die. As cases of measles outbreaks in Central Java and West Java in 2010-2011 that resulted in 5818 children in care at the hospital and 16 children died.

There are also cases of diphtheria epidemic of 2009-2011 in East Java which later spread to East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Jakarta that led to 816 children are admitted to hospital and 54 children died.

Greater than the cost of preventive treatment?

Medical expenses to be incurred by the parents or the government would be far greater than if the baby is given before vaccine or immunized.

"So this vaccine to help prevent the disease, even if a child to illness is to reduce the symptoms and risk of complications," said the doctor who is also a member of IDAI (Pediatric Association of Indonesia) areas of professional ethics.

dr Rifan describes as the beginning of any vaccine in the 1800s and developed the science is not too many cases died, but now the time and knowledge is already well developed, there is no such case.

"We try to provide true, but again depends on the parents want to vaccinate their children or not," said Dr. Rifan who also practices in hospitals Mother Menteng, Jakarta.

* The case of vaccine failure just a few number of cases compared with the benefits of vaccine efficacy. But the memory of people will be stronger than considering a case of success. Follow Typical detikHealth today Reviews on Baby Vaccine Controversy in the next article.

The Sex - Should Baby Still Vaccinated?

the sex
The Sex - Some babies do not need to be considered unvaccinated because they have natural antibodies. But the decision to die anymore baby vaccines on parents, whether their children would be vaccinated or not. Actually it necessary baby vaccinated?

"It is very necessary because it has been medically proven. There are studies showing that many cases of old Polio, Hepatitis, Measles and DPT, but thanks to a gradual and complete immunization, the disease is so reduced in numbers," said Dr. Rifan Fauzie, SpA of Hope RSAB We Jakarta.
In Indonesia, the myths surrounding the vaccine is still widely circulated widely in the community. This condition is one of the barriers that complicate the physician in providing vaccines to infants or children.

Yet immunization is one of the most appropriate way to prevent dangerous diseases, disability and death, especially in infants who have not had a good immune system.

"If a vaccine that could prevent 100 percent does not exist, usually around 80-95 per cent protection. But effective if it is given to children," said Dr. Rifan is also a member of IDAI (Pediatric Association of Indonesia).

dr Rifan exemplifies a country like the United States alone whose children are already getting good nutrition or nutrition still requires immunization. This is because the disease can arise from the environment, a child's immune and germ pathogenicity or malignancy.

While Dr. Soedjatmiko, SpA (K), MSI, Secretary PP IDAI Immunization Task Force, said in his explanation to detikHealth by increasing immunization coverage, then the disease can be prevented by immunization significantly reduced.

All countries have agreed in stating that the immunization is useful to reduce morbidity, disability and death. Because of immunization must be maintained continuously to be a disease that is not there does not appear anymore.

To date there is no country that prohibits immunization, actually all countries seeking to improve immunization coverage of more than 90 percent, which means more than 90 percent of children or infants have been immunized.

Besides immunization is also a practical form of protection because it is rapidly increasing the body's specific immune infants and children. Within 2-4 weeks after immunization began to form immunity to fight germs.

* Vaccine whatever is needed and not needed a baby? Follow the next article in the Review Typical detikHealth today on the theme of controversy Vaccine for Infants.