Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sex - Choose Where: For Preventing or Treating Sick Baby No Baby?

the sex
The Sex - One of the benefits of the vaccine is to prevent the child is exposed to certain diseases. But there are some people who reject their children vaccinated, but risk children become ill. So which one is chosen, to prevent or treat?

"If a vaccine that could provide 100 percent protection does not exist, the protection usually given around 80-95 percent," said Dr. Rifan Fauize, SpA of RSAB Hope Kita, Jakarta.
Even so dr Rifan said the vaccine is still effective to prevent disease, even if later the child is exposed to the disease symptoms are not so heavy.

If the child contracted the disease does not mean the immunizations are given to fail, because its protection is not 100 percent. But the symptoms are more mild and harmless compared with an unvaccinated child could have suffered serious illness or disability.

But if a lot of babies or children who are not fully immunized, it did not rule out the occurrence of plague that makes a lot of kids get sick or even die. As cases of measles outbreaks in Central Java and West Java in 2010-2011 that resulted in 5818 children in care at the hospital and 16 children died.

There are also cases of diphtheria epidemic of 2009-2011 in East Java which later spread to East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Jakarta that led to 816 children are admitted to hospital and 54 children died.

Greater than the cost of preventive treatment?

Medical expenses to be incurred by the parents or the government would be far greater than if the baby is given before vaccine or immunized.

"So this vaccine to help prevent the disease, even if a child to illness is to reduce the symptoms and risk of complications," said the doctor who is also a member of IDAI (Pediatric Association of Indonesia) areas of professional ethics.

dr Rifan describes as the beginning of any vaccine in the 1800s and developed the science is not too many cases died, but now the time and knowledge is already well developed, there is no such case.

"We try to provide true, but again depends on the parents want to vaccinate their children or not," said Dr. Rifan who also practices in hospitals Mother Menteng, Jakarta.

* The case of vaccine failure just a few number of cases compared with the benefits of vaccine efficacy. But the memory of people will be stronger than considering a case of success. Follow Typical detikHealth today Reviews on Baby Vaccine Controversy in the next article.

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