Monday, May 21, 2012

The Sex - When Sex Vaginal Infection Safe, Origin ..

The Sex
The Sex - Some women sometimes easy to become infected in the vagina. If this happens, the concern arises whether it is safe to have sex when there is infection.

"This condition depends on the cause of infection in the vagina. Medically, it is okay to have sex as long as vaginal infections that have not included a sexually transmitted infection," said Mary M. Gallenberg, MD, a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Mayo Clinic, as quoted from Mayoclinic, Monday (05/21/2012).

However Gallenberg said this back in the condition of a person, sometimes that intercourse can cause discomfort or even painful if the vagina has an active infection, although this is not a sexually transmitted infection.

Gallenberg explain some of the most common cause of vaginal infections are:
A. Infections caused by fungi such as candidiasis
2. Infections caused by bacteria (bacterial vaginosis)
3. Trichomoniasis

"Fungal infections and bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted, but if you have vaginal infection is usually sexually transmitted trichomonas," said Gallenberg.

So when an infection in the vagina disebebakan by Trichomoniasis then better do not always have sex because it can be contagious. Meanwhile, if exposed to candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis are still allowed because it is not contagious.

Avoiding sex is not going to help a person recover from the infection more quickly. But it is a good idea to avoid it until treatment is completed and the symptoms disappear in order to minimize the risk of recurrent infection.

Various things can be known to cause infection in the vagina, for example, if caused by bacteria mostly because of the good and bad bacteria in the vagina that is not balanced.

Whereas if the cause is due to fungi as diverse as the use of soap allergens, using a too-tight pants, giving rise to a humid environment, or lack of personal hygiene in the intimate area.

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