Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Sex -How To Stay Fresh While Keeping Eyes on the Home Monitor

The Sex
The Sex -Although it can be done by sitting comfortably in a chair, working in front of the monitor can be very tiring especially for the eyes. Consequently, many of which mgeluhkan dry eyes and sting, but can be prevented by simple means.

Fatigue after long hours in front of the monitor is characterized by a variety of complaints ranging from dry and itchy eyes, headaches, blurry eyes and looked red. These symptoms should not be overlooked, because it can sometimes indicate that increased eye pressure.

Increased pressure on the eyeball can cause serious harm if allowed to drag on. These conditions often lead to Computer Vision Syndrome, which includes damage to the cornea, chronic headaches, and even permanent eye damage.

Some ways to keep the eye in order to remain fresh even if it means working at a computer is as follows, as quoted from MensHealth, Wednesday (24/05/2012).

A. Adjust the monitor height
Position the monitor is ideally located 2-5 cm lower than the eye, measured while sitting in an upright condition. This position will reduce the stress experienced by the eye and at the same time limiting the exposure to bright light from the screen of the cornea.

2. Dim the lights
Room lights are too bright will beat the brightness of the screen. As a result, the display brightness will be increased to compensate when the eyes will get tired if you look at the monitor is too bright. The solution, dim the lights or move the monitor into a dim room so as not to dintingkatkan brightness.

3. Rest your eyes every 15 minutes
If you really do not have time, rest my eyes do not always have to do with the move from the desk. Simply by shifting the view to an object such as a short distance from 6-10 feet during the 10 was enough to make the eyes a rest. Do regularly every 15 minutes.

4. Do not forget to blink
While in front of the computer, without realizing the frequency of blinking is reduced so that the eye will dry quickly and feel tired. Keep the flicker frequency is not reduced too much, if necessary, use eye drops to keep the humidity.

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