The Sex - I feel there are any irregularities in
me. I feel mediocre when adjacent to the guy, but when talking
to fellow tomboy girl I was groggy.
I am concerned about the behavior of my disorder. Please explain whether this is normal? And how can I become a normal person?
Jessica (Female Single, 18 years),
Height 158 cm and weight 60 Kg
Create Jessica, age 18 years is really where you start to broaden horizons and see the flavors your interest in the surroundings, maybe male or female.
If I think you should not give any label on yourself first. You might be more nervous on the tomboy girl, maybe there is a sense of fancy, but it can only be determined by your sexual orientation if you do have keterangsangan sexually. For example, imagine a kiss, if you ever touch that you can better determine it is to have sexual orietasi homosexual or heterosexual.
But whatever it is, I suggest to continue to accept yourself as you are, more open to what you feel before you get too busy to give judgment or adjudgement yourself.
Just enjoy your youth once, if you fall in love with same-sex or opposite sex to let it flow is an important first question is always back to the heart whether you are happy and enjoy what you can enjoy in your life.
Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.
Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.
I am concerned about the behavior of my disorder. Please explain whether this is normal? And how can I become a normal person?
Jessica (Female Single, 18 years),
Height 158 cm and weight 60 Kg
Create Jessica, age 18 years is really where you start to broaden horizons and see the flavors your interest in the surroundings, maybe male or female.
If I think you should not give any label on yourself first. You might be more nervous on the tomboy girl, maybe there is a sense of fancy, but it can only be determined by your sexual orientation if you do have keterangsangan sexually. For example, imagine a kiss, if you ever touch that you can better determine it is to have sexual orietasi homosexual or heterosexual.
But whatever it is, I suggest to continue to accept yourself as you are, more open to what you feel before you get too busy to give judgment or adjudgement yourself.
Just enjoy your youth once, if you fall in love with same-sex or opposite sex to let it flow is an important first question is always back to the heart whether you are happy and enjoy what you can enjoy in your life.
Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.
Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.