Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Sex - 3 Year No Sex Since the husband had an affair

the sex
The Sex - I have been married 8 years. Four years ago my husband confessed affair with karaoke and escort sex many times. We did not get divorced because I was not ready emotionally and economically as well as the reasons no children.

But despite now living in a home, we do not have 3 years for sexual relationships. I also do not know her husband nge-sex with anyone. But I feel miserable. What should I do?

Nur (Married woman, 40 years),
Height: 144 cm Weight 46 kg


I am frankly a bit tricky to answer because the first three years if your husband no marital relationship at all, yes of course there is a chance your husband will continue to seek out.

If you do not want to live at home, if you are unable to forgive or accept your husband at all because there is no sense of love, why you should not divorce. Krena if you raise a child in the house that you do not feel happy and continue to suffer later the children will also feel what he felt his mother so that they grow into children who are full of resentment at his own father.

Secondly, if you do not want a divorce because it was not ready emotionally, I guess you really still love your husband. If it's real economic reason to look for ways that you can earn your income for the family or by way of example, divorce with children are given allowances by your husband.

But if you do not want to lose your husband why do not you try to forgive and try to make back about what you can do as a wife after you forgive in order to improve this relationship becomes more intimate again. What can you do as a wife so the husband does not need to snack to and fro, repeatedly having sex with a prostitute once.

Only if I may suggest when you want to have sex with your husband again, build up your love again, what if you both went first to the doctor not to any other sexually transmitted diseases will actually worsen the situation of your household.

If for example, do not want to consult a doctor, at least for now please use a condom at first intercourse, because we never know how your husband's situation out there with other people who may be affected.

I know this is probably the hardest thing you should do but I can only say that true happiness can only be your gain if you can forgive.

Try to start something new because everyone can make mistakes. Help your husband to make amends to you how he should fix the marriage. Try talking about the two of you this time, ask each of you cintakah still on him and he's still on your cintakah.

If it still does not hurt to really start something new, not used to fighting for first divorced, I'm sure if for example you are not ready emotionally is possible there are still really love it and it was worth fighting. Good luck!

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi

Sexual psychologist certified by the educational background of sexual psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Attitudes and also a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.

The Sex - Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy can be relieved by Sex

the sex
The Sex - In the first trimester of pregnancy, most people will experience morning sickness or nausea and vomiting that are good for health of mother and fetus. But if the sensation of nausea is so disturbing, you may be able to cope with having sex.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is actually less suitable if called with morning sickness because of digestive problems are not limited to mornings only. But it can also happen all the time whether it is morning, noon or night.

According to experts, nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy may protect the fetus and the mother of a bacterial infection that will respond to vomit food eaten out together. Frederick Irving, a doctor in Boston was the first time reveal the healthful effects of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.

As reported by the huffingtonpost, Thursday (07/12/2012), in 1940, Irving reported that patients who experience morning sickness and loss of appetite in early pregnancy have an increased risk of miscarriage is lower than other patients who did not experience morning sickness.

In 1976, Ernest Hook, an endocrinologist at Albany Medical College, stated that nausea and vomiting may protect the fetus from the foods that can harm the development of anatomy. Elements that can cause mutations in the development of the fetal anatomy known as teratogens. Teratogens can be expelled from the body of a pregnant woman through the nausea and vomiting.

Chemical elements are also present in plants to combat insects, fungi and bacteria that naturally harmless to humans. However, if consumed in large quantities can be harmful to the condition of pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting not only as a shield that protects the fetus from toxins, but also can protect the mother. During pregnancy, women's immune systems will decline, especially in the first trimester. By avoiding certain foods, can protect itself from toxins and parasites, as well as reduce the risk of exposure to teratogens on the fetus.

Nausea and vomiting that occurs naturally but is quite annoying. A psychologist, Gordon Gallup said that the sensation of nausea and vomiting can be overcome by having sex.

Mother's body will probably treat other organisms, including nutritional food into the uterus as a foreign tissue or an infection, so the body will respond with nausea and vomiting. But when having sex, the fetus in utero can recognize the father's sperm, because half of the fetal DNA is derived from the father.

Interestingly, the fetus is able to recognize which ones fit with sperm from the father. If the foreign sperm into the body of pregnant women, this will increase to a greater risk of infant mortality.

Perhaps it is too early to advise pregnant women to cope with morning sickness with sex, but this may limit the sensation of nausea and vomiting.