Friday, June 22, 2012

The Sex - Teens who eat four times a day More Thin

the sex
The Sex - That said, maintaining healthy eating habits is key to preventing obesity. It is often expressed in various studies. But now a new study conducted by the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) points to the fact that a step further.

The research institute showed that certain healthy habits like eating schedule more than four times during the day or eating too fast can not be associated with body fat levels lower than the exercise habit at leisure.

The fat content of the data obtained by taking the sum of six skinfold and waist circumference of 1978 adolescents (1017 females) aged between 13-18 years from five cities in Spain (Granada, Madrid, Murcia, Santander and Zaragoza). The role of physical activity during leisure time on levels of fat were also assessed in this study.

"To clarify the effect of dietary habits on obesity, it is important for us to learn together with other lifestyle such as physical activity," said research team leader Sonia Martínez Gomez, a researcher at the Department of Metabolism and Nutrition ICTAN.

Boys were generally higher, greater weight, waist circumference is larger and eat more quickly. However, according to research by the accumulation of fat content is lower.

Moreover, in a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, researchers also observed that eating breakfast every day is very beneficial for young men who do not exercise at all. This is because the young men who often skip breakfast shows body fat content is higher.

"The results show that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 3 teenage boys in Spain are overweight or obese," said Gomez Martinez as reported from newkerala, Friday (22/06/2012). However, only 18.5 percent of teenage boys who do not do any sport, in contrast to adolescent girls who reach 48.5 percent.

Sexual maturity and increased body size and weight are determining the nutritional needs of adolescents. This need will grow to 20 percent of his height as an adult and 50 percent of the muscle and bone mass during puberty.

The process requires high energy and nutrients so that the diet should be designed to meet these requirements. Among the most important mineral for the fulfillment of three teenagers, namely calcium, iron and zinc.

Calcium is essential for bone growth, while the iron is useful for maintaining a network of hematology (red blood cells) and muscle tissue growth. Finally, zinc contributes to the growth of bones and muscles as well as hair and nails.

The Sex - Bring the Oldest Person Sex Girls, it normal?

the sex
The Sex - Best wishes Zoya Ma'am, I have a psychosexual complaints, I dated was 5 months but my boyfriend had asked ML but I refused because I was afraid. What is it normal for a guy who asked the same ML own girlfriend?

Secondly, every courtship is always innate sexual desires are always high but was limited to normal without going overboard. How do you let me be healthy dating? Third, I am more interested (lust) with someone who is older than me, as long as the girl pulled my heart (sorry, Ma'am Zoya example). What is normal too? Thank you Ma'am Zoya is cute.

Adith (Single Male, 28 years),,
Height 179 cm, weight 76 Kg


First the problem of sexual desire you can have any preferences up to you older or younger in this context you love older women. For me it's true, is not problematic sexual psychology. You can get an older woman and also like you.

If the problem girlfriend invites ML, healthy courtship. The important thing is first, ideally not have sex until you're married, because sex as well as drugs and cigarettes can cause addiction, where when you're already hooked on the stage while you do not have a permanent sexual partner, your own later difficult. So I suggest you should wait until you are ready emotionally and new when I get married should have sex.

Second, try to be faithful to one partner to reduce risks such as unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including sex so do it in a safe manner, for example by using contraceptives such as condoms.

How about sex, to assess the age of 28 years, I think you naturally if you have a sexual interest. You feel normal or not will depend on you and your sexual partner.

So again it is a healthy courtship courtship that makes you happy, make you more productive and do not have sex with forced and does not lead to pregnancy or got pregnant, then how can there not too risky sexual behaviors including sexually transmitted infections and others.

Zoya Amirin, M.Psi
Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior, a member of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Instructor courses Reproductive Health Sciences, Human relations, Public Relations, Communication Sciences at the Basic School of Public Health, University of Indonesia.