Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Sex - Saturated Can Men Have Sex?

The Sex
The Sex - During this time the man known as being a lot more thought or desire for sexual affairs. But it's actually a man can feel bored having sex?

"Saturation of sexual intercourse may be experienced by men," said Prof sexology expert. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS detikHealth when contacted on Wednesday (05/23/2012).

Prof Wimpie said there are several things that can cause a man to have sex that is saturated:
A. If sexual relations are perceived less favorably
2. Have problems with their partner
3. Have certain diseases that can affect sex life

Therefore if a man is saturated with sexual relations it is necessary to first look for what cause, is associated with psychological factors, physical or relationship with a partner.

"Therefore, to overcome any different, the cause must be addressed first," said Prof. Wimpie who is Professor of Andrology and Sexology Department of the Medical Faculty Udayana University.

If there is no disease that is owned, then do variations in the style of lovemaking can also help overcome the boredom they experienced.

However, if due to health problems should consult first with your doctor and do not buy the medicine in vain.

If saturation is experienced as a result of problems in pairs, then discuss it carefully, because there is no problem that can not be resolved.

If you've seen any signs of saturation in the marriage then do not hesitate to make a second honeymoon.

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