Friday, July 20, 2012

The Sex - Vaginal Orgasm How to Give to the wife?

the sex
The Sex - My 35 year old married man with 2 children 8 and 6 years. I was wondering how I can give to my wife vaginal orgasm? Because it is very difficult for me, I was almost certain before the first ejaculation my wife an orgasm.

So far I mostly give my wife an orgasm clitoral stimulation using my fingers. I've tried using a powerful drug or tisue that my penis feels numb, but still, I always fail.

The duration of my penetration is only about 2 to 4 minutes. During penetration, usually my wife will feel the sensation of pleasure, but to reach an orgasm, my wife takes my movement back and forth from fast and it always makes me fail to give a vaginal orgasm.

How to workaround this, although my wife had enough with a clitoral orgasm using my fingers, but I want to give happiness for my wife with vaginal orgasm. Where can I place a medical consultation for my problem?

Arman (Married man, 35 years),
Height: 171 cm Weight 69 kg


Chances are you are experiencing is Premature Ejaculation (ED), which is caused by physical factors such as chronic diseases (Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension) or psychological factors.

Vaginal orgasm can be done with the foreplay erotic zone of the most sensitive wife (Clitoris, G-Spot).

When the wife to reach orgasm, she should give the command for that time so that you do penetration of the penis into the vagina. That way you expected and wife can enjoy orgasm.

Keep in mind, the most important sex is not the length (duration) penile penetration but they can reach orgasm together.

To ensure that the alleged cause of Premature Ejaculation (ED) you should be able to consult with Urology Specialists.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

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