Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Sex - Many wives Remove Liquids At Love, Wajarkah?

The  Sex
The  Sex - Previously, I say thank you to the doctor for his help. Early first marriage I often ejaculates earlier than the wife, I finally find some tricks that can be satisfied or orgasm wife first.

But what happens, each of my ML as wife, she is experiencing orgasm to 2-3 times, but strangely dock, why a second or subsequent orgasms always come out exactly the piss a lot of fluids, and it is not we like it even though it was not intentional by him .

What we ask:
A. Fluid was indeed true that urine?
2. How does the solution so as not to piss it out like that?
3. Whether it is an aberration? Thank you so much for your answer.


Experienced by your wife on the second and subsequent orgasm is the ejaculation with heavy liquids such as water-art. The liquid is not urine from the bladder-art (Vesica urinary), but fluid from the glands Skinner. Of scientific reports that women rarely experience it.

It is recommended that you stimulate sexual arousal sufficient to orgasm first, which ended with the early phase of relaxation.

If you still want to sped up to multiple-orgasm, you both have to adapt to the 'moment' of this (female-ejaculation).

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The Sex - Attacks Stroke Treated Can It Yourself, soon to Hospital

The  Sex
The  Sex - Stroke is a vascular disorder in the brain that can result in death. If you see people around you with serengan traits affected by stroke, only one way out: Immediately take to the hospital.

"The important thing was brought to the hospital the fastest, baseball can be handled alone. Some say stabbed his blood let out but that there is no scientific evidence. If you want to plug in the car on the way to the hospital just let me not waste time. There was no other option but to hospitals do not break-a break, "said Dr. Usman Sumantri Fritz Sr., SpS, Fins, Neurology and Neuroscience Expert intervention in the General Hospital of Central Jakarta Fatmawati when talking with detikHealth like it was written on Tuesday (22/05/2012).

He said the sooner stroke patients admitted to hospital, the opportunity to save his life is also more open.

Dr Fritz said people affected by stroke are not always characterized by fainting. But the main thing is the weakness on one side of the body or paralysis on one body part.

"There is always that faint strokes, if stroke is weakness of one side of his body, talk pelo, tingling of the hands of one side of the body instead of both of them or both legs, but only the right hand with your right foot or left hand with his left foot, pelo, mouth oblique, can not swallow, "said Dr. Fritz about the characteristics of people affected by stroke.

Stroke alone there are two types namely because there is a clogged blood vessel or a ruptured blood vessel there. So the stroke was divided into stroke due to blockage of blood vessels in the brain and stroke due to rupture of blood vessels in the brain.

"The goal of treating patients with stroke neurologist was the first rescue dying brain power. Second, control of complications during the attack. Third, rehabilitation. Fourth, to prevent a recurrent stroke with the consequences of any disability," said Dr. Fritz.

For patients with stroke caused by blockage ratio of death rate is 2-3 people and 10 people died from stroke due to bleeding of 10 people there are 4-6 patients died.

Patients also experienced a recurrent stroke risk by more than 50 percent in the second year and usually more severe than the previous stroke.

"One way to prevent recurrent stroke is a cerebrovascular check properly, avoiding the risk factors for stroke, the discipline to take medication, do not have any kidney problems or thinking about baseball because the doctors always give a safe drug. After all if there is renal impairment of we will adjust the initial dose, "said Dr. Fritz.

The thing to remember when it had suffered a stroke, the patient must take medication for life. The goal is to reduce the aggressiveness of the constriction of blood vessels.

"I am a 40 year old had been drinking antirostatin every day to suppress the aggressiveness of the constriction of blood vessels. Because the blood vessels as well as gray. So when gray hairs begin to appear, would have been incurred calcification starts narrowing of blood vessels, all of the aging process," explains Dr. Fritz.

Whether stroke patients can be helped?

According to Dr. Fritz that it depends on two main factors. First, how quickly the patient is getting the appropriate help at the hospital. Second, depending on how extensive the damage incurred due to stroke it.

"It could be the damage is minimal, but it was brought to the hospital three days later, it was tantamount to being heavy. Or when they reached the hospital a ruptured blood vessel was very broad, it's too heavy. That's a factor that makes a lot of patients who did not helped, "said Dr. Fritz.

Golden time to help stroke patients was 4.5 hours since the attack occurred. So that when there are people who have experienced the symptoms of stroke, according to Dr. Fritz do not try to treat yourself like a needle piercing an unproven benefit.

"Golden time period in stroke due to a narrowing or blockage of 4.5 hours before we can love r-tPA (tissue plasminogen activators Recombinant). That is the only place in stroke therapy that has been approved by the FDA. In Indonesia there, we providing hospital and neuro interventions are either intravenous (4.5 hours) or intraarterial (before 6 hours). If for example a stroke in a narrowing or blockage before 8 hours it can no longer intravenous or intraarterial, we have to suck the blockage, "said Dr. Fritz.

The Sex - CSR action Cigarettes Just to Search Home

The  Sex
The  Sex - Currently almost all tobacco companies to take action CSR (corporate social responsibility) through scholarships, sports or education. But practitioners of CSR revealed no CSR from the tobacco industry and it's just for the face and imaging alone.

"The tobacco industry can not be regarded as a socially responsible industry or performing high social responsibility," said Jalal activist circles as the study of CSR in the public discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Intervention in the Cigarette Industry Acacia Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (22 / 5/2012).

Note there are three indications of why CSR practitioners refuse tobacco industry to CSR are:

A. None of the Socially Responsible Investment index that includes a tobacco company in its investment portfolio.

Cigarettes are combined together with the arms industry, nuclear power, gambling and alcoholic beverages into the category of harmfull industries.

2. Rejection of experts on tobacco industry involvement in scientific activities that address CSR.

3. Various recent survey shows all the stakeholders agree that the lowest cigarette indistri its CSR performance.

Some of the activities of the tobacco industry claimed as CSR is education and scholarship, environment, culture and social assistance.

"The CSR him donate money or donations alone, while others interpret the activities of community development or community development, so the tobacco companies are free to do social activities wrapped in CSR terms," ​​he said.

Jalal tells the true essence of CSR is a corporate responsibility to the impacts. For that there is no CSR from the tobacco industry.

"CSR needs transparency so it must speak truthfully positive and negative impacts. For it do not ride the term CSR, if the goal looking for the face or imaging is not CSR, CSR washing but is covered up that ugly great if exaggerated," said Jalal .

While Lisda Sundari of the National Commission for Child Protection CSR said the tobacco industry is no different with marketing and promotion, which uses official, public figure or figure and use the same foundation with the name of his company.

"All parties should be vigilant and critical of the CSR activities of cigarettes, because the goal is to increase consumption of cigarettes and contrary to the public health policies that reduce tobacco consumption," said Lisda.

The Sex - Exercises For Men Can Orgasm Over and over again

The  Sex
The  Sex - Although not all men are lucky to experience it, but it turns out if you want to practice a man can have an orgasm over and over again like a woman. There are several exercises that need to be done so that men can experience multiple orgasms.

In the report Kingsey known that men can experience multiple orgasms (many times) more than women. The study shows about 14 percent of women experience multiple orgasms, while men are about 15-20 percent.

Generally not easy for men to achieve multiple orgasm, it takes a lot of practice before they can reach it.

Here are some exercises you can do a man to reach orgasm many times, as reported by about.com, Tuesday (05/22/2012):

A. Set of breath

Regulate breathing is essential for sexual exploration. For this exercise, try to take a deep breath through your mouth to provide energy for the body and breath while focusing on the changes through the sexual response, passionate, sexual arousal, and experience the climax, orgasm and ejaculation.

2. Exercising pelvic floor muscles (pubococcygeus)

Pelvic floor muscles are the muscles used to stop the flow of urine during urination. These muscles are also involved in the experience of orgasm and trained through Kegel exercises can help you to experience multiple orgasms.

The technique is easy to do Kegel exercises contract the muscles such way is to initially hold urine for 5 seconds, then relax. Keep repeating the exercise at least five times in succession with increasing length of time to hold urine for 15-20 seconds.

3. Relax and do not be hasty

Generally a quick orgasm and ejaculation in men who are not relaxed and too hasty during sexual intercourse. If you want to feel a different experience, try to make the body relax and do not rush to engage in sexual intercourse.

4. Recognize the 'turning point'

The definition of 'turning point' is a tingling feeling in man which is a sign that you will achieve ejaculation. If you can recognize this point, you can 'pull' so as to control the ejaculatory orgasm.

5. Wake up with a pair of verbal communication

Try to have good verbal communication with a partner. This will help you to relax and not be too hasty in sexual activity, so the possibility of multiple orgasms even greater.