Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Sex - Disorders that Make Difficult Couples Have Children

the sex
The Sex - For couples who recently married, a baby in the household is a very anticipated. Unfortunately, not all couples can be awarded even if a baby has tried each day. It may be that couples with fertility problems.

Infertility or infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after trying for 6-12 months. Cause there are many, ranging from lifestyle, diet to physical disorders. Age to the level of the infertility is also increasing.

As reported by, Sunday (6/10/2012), here are some things that interfere with fertility at risk.

1. Sports are too heavy
A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility suggests that normal-weight women who do strenuous exercise like running, swimming and aerobics for 5 hours or more a week have 42 percent less likely to become pregnant than women who do not exercise at all.

"Strenuous exercise can affect ovulation and disrupt the menstrual cycle. Pituitary gland is interpreted as a time of vigorous exercise less than optimal for the body to reproduce and send signals to the ovaries not to ovulate," says Jessica Scotchie, a reproductive endocrinologist in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The researchers also added that extreme sports can affect implantation, the ability of eggs to be fertilized. However, this study did not analyze these factors in men. Some doctors say the effect on men is not much different. Less intensive exercise such as walking, cycling and is the most good.

2. Most drinking coffee
"There is a relationship between excessive caffeine intake and infertility, miscarriage and pregnancy complications," said Serena Chen, director of reproductive medicine at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, New Jersey.

A laboratory study in female mice published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that levels of caffeine equivalent to two cups of coffee reduces muscle activity in the fallopian tubes. Muscle activity is helping to deliver the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Caffeine causes contraction of the muscles to be loose so the egg can not move.

Other studies have also shown a link between caffeine and infertility. A report published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology found that taking 300-700 milligrams of caffeine a day decreases the chances of women getting pregnant by 12 percent. Drinking more can reduce the chance of pregnancy by 37 percent.

3. Foods that contain gluten
One cause of infertility in men and women are celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by a reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. This disorder is found in more than 5 percent of women who suffer from fertility problems in infertility clinics.

Another study published the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research found that more infertile couples who have celiac disease than couples who do not have problems with fertility.

Women with celiac disease often suffer from menstrual disorders such as secondary amenorrhea, a condition in which an old woman coming months so do not ovulate less often. Whereas in men, people with celiac disease have lower testosterone levels and sperm are abnormal.

4. Toxic mercury
In 2002, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published a study showing that among a group of 150 infertile couples, more than a third of men have high mercury levels in their blood. As many as 23 percent of women in the study also experienced the same thing. Intake of mercury from most fish.

Fish should be eaten in moderation and is beneficial to health, which contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids. Women should avoid fish that are at the top of the food chain such as shark, tilefish and mackerel because the high mercury content.

5. Eating unhealthy fats
According to a study published in the journal Human Reproduction, men who ate the most saturated fat had 35 percent fewer sperm than men who ate less saturated fat. Saturated fats found in foods such as processed meats, butter and milk.

The good news, studies have shown sperm quality in men can be improved by eating omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as cold water fish, flax seeds and nuts or a supplement.

6. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition in which cells are normally found in the uterus grows outside the uterus. Symptoms are usually in the form of pelvic pain during or after sexual intercourse or it could be during bowel movements. This disorder is one of the three main causes of infertility. If you suffer from this condition, see a specialist endocrinologist.

7. Disturbed biological clock
Women who often work the night shift has been shown to have problems with fertility and menstrual cycle because it is often out of sync with the external light cycle. A laboratory study in female mice published in the journal PLoS One found a direct relationship between the biological clock disorders with pregnancy.

In mice that have normal biological clock, 90% had become pregnant. Mice disrupted biological clock through laboratory manipulation only 22 percent who get pregnant.

The Sex - Whew, It's Drugs Made of Human Bodies

the sex
The Sex - In the old days, a time when medical science has not developed and the treatment is based on rituals bizarre beliefs, some of the 'doctor' make medicines from raw materials of human corpses. It is said that these drugs are effective to overcome various kinds of diseases.

In the seventeenth century, many European medical science in medicine focuses on the body. The doctors and chemists to devote his energies to create potions with the basic ingredients of human flesh and bone.

In medicine today, the corpse is still used in the medical world, such as for organ transplantation.

As reported by Gizmodo, Sunday (6/10/2012), the following are the different types of ancient medicine is mixed from the human body:

1. Mummy powder
Since the 12th century until the 17th century, every pharmacy in Europe offers an abundance of powdered mummy. The mummy is a health food of the Middle Ages and was mentioned potent cure various illnesses from headaches to heartburn. Plaster made of powdered mummy was also used to treat tumors.

The demand for mummy powder is far more than the supply because the mummy is not easy to find. Some people then dug the bodies that have been dried then ground and sold as 'powdered mummy'. After all, consumers are also difficult to distinguish.

2. Man Mellified
'Medicine' is made by way of a man aged 70-80 years just bathed and fed honey. After death, usually a month later, his body was kept in a coffin full of honey for 100 years. This medicine is used to treat broken bones and injuries. This method has been found in Chinese medicine book written by Li Shih-chen in 1597.

3. The King's Drops
The herb is made from powdered human skull and become popular because it had promoted British empire. Charles II of England were very interested in chemistry during his exile in France. He bought the patent of this drug from Jonathan Goddard, a surgeon and professor at Gresham College in London.

King's Drops or previously referred to Goddard's Drops was later to become famous. Charles II produces and sells its own drugs. These drugs are touted to improve the health and strength. Many other doctors to develop a drug made from the skull, Sir Kenelm Digby one who treat epilepsy with skull.

4. Heart and Blood of Gladiator
In ancient Roman times, the heart and blood human being is considered a potent drug for treating epilepsy. The most efficacious if the liver and blood from healthy gladiator, strong, and courageous. In fact, after the fatal attack galdiator, many people simply drink blood from a severed arm. Around the Colosseum that time many sellers found fresh blood of the gladiators.

5. Distilled Human Brain
In the 17th century, refined the human brain is more credible than the liver to treat epilepsy. English physician named John French and German chemist named Johann Schroeder wrote this medicinal herb. French make a potion to soften the young brain and then brewed with wine and horse manure for half a year before it is refined or distilled.

Schroeder made a potion by dissolving three pounds of the human brain with water lilies, lavender, and malmsey. Entire corpse and then cut into small pieces and mixed with finely ground for the human brain in a distillery.

6. Dead Man Sweat
A doctor of the 17th century in England, George Thomson, believing that none of the human body parts that are not beneficial, including sweat. The sweat of a man dying or dead are prescribed by doctors to treat hemorrhoids.

Sweat obtained from the hand of a hanged man is also believed to cure cysts and warts. Even in the 19th century, there are still many people who practice the hand touched the dead corpse hanging to the cyst or diseased skin.

7. Ointment Fat Man
For people with joint pain, bone pain, muscle cramps and nerve damage, is often recommended to use an ointment of beer mixed with human fat and the fat, blood and marrow of animals. In some parts of Europe, the prisoners of war dead and the enemy will be brought to a processing laboratory, where the bodies fat boiled and taken.

Ancient times, the executioner in the Netherlands is also sometimes doubles as a surgeon and the next day he sold the ointment man is sentenced to death the other day.

An article in the American Journal of Pharmacy in 1922 said the ointment called 'Hangman's Salve' or 'Fat of the Malang Sinner' is still used to treat bone shifted or crippled in the Netherlands. However, given the Dutch have banned the death penalty since 70 years ago, difficult to ascertain that the ointment is the original.

8. Tai Bao Capsules
These drugs are still used in China to date. Estimated Tai Bao Capsules containing powder or the placenta and the aborted fetal tissue. This drug is considered efficacious to increase stamina, treat asthma, and beautify the skin. In an investigation carried out Mary Roach, known to doctors at the Hospital of Shenzhen in China recognized this capsule does contain fetal tissue.

Last May, South Korean customs officials seized the pills that supposedly contain human tissue powder from China, China's Health Ministry immediately conduct an investigation into the allegations. South Korean officials claimed to have seized 17 500 pill since last year.

The Sex - He is the Best Times to Sex

the sex
The Sex - Actually there is no time or place that is really best to have sex, it all depends on the mood of the couple. But at certain times you can have a greater chance of orgasm.

In addition to physical fitness and stimulation in the body, time also affect your chances of achieving orgasm.

Here are some of the best time for sex and achieve orgasm, as reported by indiansutras, Saturday (06/09/2012):

1. In the morning
Morning is one of the best time for sexual intercourse in both partners, as some studies have found that the hormones women and men to achieve a high level in the morning.

2. After the sleep quality
A good sleep is not only beneficial to the body, but also sexual arousal. This is because the energy levels of the natural hormone cortisol, testosterone and estrogen increase to five times when I wake up. That's why quality sleep can improve sexual performance.

3. Thursday
Researchers claimed Thursday of the week is the best time for making love or having sex. This is because natural cortisol levels that stimulate sex hormones, are at the highest level on Thursday, especially on Thursday morning.

In addition, on Thursday are usually people do not feel stressed, so have a mood conducive to sexual intercourse.

4. After the bath
Having exhausted all day, a shower can make you feel fresh and sensual again. This condition can make you more excited for having sex with a partner.

5. When women in the fertile period
It's probably not a good idea for couples who are delaying a baby, because when the fertile period is very high chance of getting pregnant. But at this time is also an opportunity to reach orgasm are women's high-high.

When the fertile period, women are more passionate lover and a desire to increase. Research from the University of Lethbridge in Canada also found that women who are in the fertile period more sexual fantasies than ordinary days.

The Sex - Diseases that Can Make Men and Women Infertility

the sex
The Sex - Infertility, infertility or sterility is not always caused by poor lifestyle habits or due to sexual abuse. Some diseases can also cause infertility in men and women.

Infertility can be explained as a biological inability to become pregnant or impregnate, even after trying for a long time. In some cases, the problem of infertility caused by male partners. But in other cases it is caused by women and in other cases as both.

These diseases can cause infertility, as reported by boldsky, Saturday (09/06/2012):

1. Diabetes in men
Diabetes has been diagnosed as one of the diseases that cause infertility problems in men. According to research conducted by scientists in Britain, the sperm in men with diabetes experience DNA damage. Sperm concentration was significantly affected in this case.

Changes in concentration and DNA damage causes an embryo can not form also can not provide all of the genetic code.

2. Celiac disease in men and women
Celiac disease is a condition where the lining of the small intestine is damaged and can not absorb an important part of food to keep the body healthy.

Women who suffer from this disease usually have a shorter reproductive period and early menopause. In men, the disease can cause gonadal dysfunction that affect testicular function. So this disease is one cause of infertility.

3. Thyroid disorders in women
More than 10 percent of infertility problems in women are due to weight loss and disorders of the thyroid. Ovulation and thyroid problems affect one's ability to maintain pregnancy.

Women with thyroid antibodies had an increased number of natural killer cells that attack the developing embryo, the implant interfere with and even cause miscarriage in some cases.

But not to worry for those who have thyroid disorders. Women with thyroid disorders can easily maintain a pregnancy with an effective medical treatment.

The Sex - Healthy kiss Can Prevent Wrinkles on the Face

the sex
The Sex - With a couple who kiss the official not only fun, but also make you young. Research has shown that the kiss has many health benefits, including preventing wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

"A kiss can help tighten the cheeks and jaw muscles," said a fitness consultant, Claire Potter, as reported by HealthArticles, Friday (08/06/2012).

One of the positive effects of a kiss is flexing the muscles of the face, prevent wrinkles and stimulate blood circulation to remove signs of fatigue in the face.

This can happen because in a simple kiss should involve 29 face muscles. That is why a kiss is recommended to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging in the face.

Not only that, a kiss that healthy can also help prevent tooth decay. "After eating, the mouth is usually full of sugar solution and saliva (saliva) becomes more acidic, causing the formation of plaque. A kiss is a natural cleansing process. Kissing stimulates saliva flow and brings plaque levels in the normal value," said Dr Peter curtains, a Dental Advisor of the British Dental Association.

The heart may beat faster and pump blood better when kissing. When kissing the adrenalin is released into the bloodstream and the heart pumps blood throughout the body better.

This can help the body to reduce tension and improve overall fitness.