Friday, June 8, 2012

The Sex - When this effect Drinking Frequency of Sleep Medicine

the sex
The Sex - Lack of sleep is a major problem among professionals who work as job stress and unhealthy lifestyle can affect sleep. To get a good sleep, some people take sleeping pills. Unfortunately, the frequency of taking sleeping pills can cause adverse effects to the body.

Sleeping pills may help induce sleep in the short term but have a detrimental effect on the body. What happens when you take sleeping pills?

Here are some of the side effects of taking sleeping pills, as reported by boldsky, Friday (08/06/2012):

1. dependence
Once accustomed to taking sleeping pills, someone is going to depend on him physically and emotionally. In short, you will not be able to sleep without taking medication at bedtime.

2. Breath slowly and less in
Sleeping pills make a person breathe slowly and less deeply. These drugs are not healthy for asthma patients. People with respiratory problems should avoid taking a pill that induces sleep.

3. Affect appetite
Taking sleeping pills affect appetite. Disruption of circadian rhythm sleep since taking the drug causes changes in all metabolic functions, especially the appetite.

4. Parasomnia
Parasomnia is a common side effect of some strong sleeping pills. For example, you will see the walls shaking and spinning heads.

5. weird dream
During sleep was induced, a person may have an unusual dream like sleep-walking, instability, sex or walking on the ground.

6. Limp unconscious
Other side effects of sleeping pills such as fainting, pain in the head, dizziness in the mornings, thirst, fatigue and weakness.

6. Drinking alcohol use sleeping pills can be deadly
Some people take medication to sleep with juice or alcoholic beverages. One of the side effects of taking sleeping pills with alcohol is dangerous for the body and can cause death. Also avoid mixing sleeping pills with orange juice.

The Sex - Desire to explode But Still Exploding Wife Can not keep up

the sex
The Sex - My wife is less passionate in bed, before the age of 50 years. While I was still hot and explosive on bed. Mr P conditions when on 22 cm, 15 cm and its diameter off about 4.5 cm. Can anyone help this problem needs biolgis? Please be given a way out. Thanks in advance.

Aryo P (Married man, 53 years), aryo.XXXXXXX @
Height 163 cm and weight 70 Kg


The problem you face is known as 'Sexual discrepancy', he explained there is a difference between sexual hasral you are still passionate with a wife who dropped his passion.

Sexual fitness is determined by the physical fitness and hormone levels, namely testosterone in men, estrogen in women.

Your wife age, 50 years old, seems to have entered a phase premenopause or menopause may also have. This phase is very influential on sexual desire (libido).

In order for your sexual relationship and the wife can return to normal, it is recommended you bring your wife consult with Gynecological Specialist.

Furthermore, it can be planned Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hormone Replacement Therapy) when according to the Specialist Obstetrics no contra-indications.

In addition, regular physical exercise, balanced nutrition as well as 'Exercise Kaegel Reflex' can support the recovery of your wife's sexual arousal.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.