Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Sex - 5 Satisfaction Learned from the Exercise

The Sex
The Sex - Exercise has many benefits for the condition of the body to stay healthy and give you some satisfaction. Satisfaction is diverse, ranging from satisfaction psychologically, physically and sexually.

Here are five satisfaction gained shape because exercise was quoted as saying on Saturday (12.05.2012), among others:

A. Orgasm

The researchers interviewed hundreds of women and found that the women can have orgasms with diligent exercise.

Some types of exercise are known to have significant benefits for health and enhance women's sexual life as well.

2. Healthy body

The greatest satisfaction you get from exercise is health benefits. Researchers recently confirmed that running is the best exercise to obtain a high cardio muscle activity is good for your health.

Start running at low speed and gradually increase the speed according to your flying hours.

You may not feel the effect immediately, but the scientists say that your fitness level will increase from time to time by running exercise.

3. Mood

Research shows that exercise works just as well as medication for anxiety disorder and depression.

A 2007 study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that after 16 weeks of regular exercise, 45 percent of women diagnosed with major depression gradually mambaik.

Physical activity seems to affect several chemicals in the nervous system, namely norepinephrine and serotonin are the target of antidepressant drugs, and neurotrophin in the brain, which sends signals to the brain on mood.

Exercise can also increase one's positive thoughts.

4. Self-confidence

People who often exercise would be confident with her appearance because it was never worried about fat deposits in the stomach.

When you exercise, try to focus on the state of the body you want.

5. Optimistic

Optimism has been repeatedly linked to the immune system stronger, longer life, higher quality of life, and a host of other health benefits.

The Sex - Before Playing Sports, There used to be The good Sex

The Sex
The Sex - Muhammad Ali has always abstained from sex before the start of a boxing match. Plato also been suggested to the participants the Olympics to avoid sex before competition.

But science shows that it does not always result in good. In fact, an orgasm can help relieve muscle pain. An increase in sex hormones may even help increase the strength of men.

Some athletes argue that the frustration caused by lack of sex can increase the aggressiveness of the match. But the review of research on the sport and says the opposite sex. In four separate other research that tested aerobic power and maximal oxygen capacity, athletes who are sexually active seems to be superior.

"One reason so many athletes do not have sex the night before the game not because of sex itself, but because of things that accompany sex like a party, great food and drink. There is nothing wrong with a healthy sex, but be sure to sleep well after that, "says Ian Kerner, PhD, sex therapist and author of 'She Comes First, He Comes Next and Be Honest, You're Not that into Him Either' as reported, race (05/11/2012).

Sex does not interfere with the mental condition of the athletes. In one study, researchers gave a series of tests of concentration and athletic tests for endurance athletes and weight lifters after sex.

Researchers found that having sex before undergoing the test does not interfere with concentration. But the study also found that sex within 2 hours before the test subject is reduced to the level of attention.

Other studies have shown that an increase in the male sex hormone testosterone is able to provide benefits for athletes. One study found that testosterone is released during orgasm help strengthen leg muscles and strength. But the impulse is derived from testosterone supplements, not by sex.

However, other researchers have found that having sex can also increase levels of testosterone. So it never hurts to try.

In women, the effect of sex is also good. The scientists found that female orgasm can stop the release of nerve transmitter of pain signals up to 24 hours. This mechanism can help to relieve pain.

When researching the psychological effects of sex and its effect on athletic performance, existing research is still lacking. It seems that the notion that sex is bad for your mental abilities are also just a personal opinion.

If athletes feel restless and have trouble sleeping before the race, then sex may be helpful. But if sex can actually make fatigue, then it is better to wait for a new love after the game ended.

The Sex - Thyroid Hormone Excess Make Penis Hard Erections

The Sex
The Sex - In men, a variety of health problems can lead to erectile dysfunction or impotence. One of them is revealed in a study in the UK is the excess of thyroid, which increases the risk of erectile dysfunction as much as 16 times.

Excess thyroid hormone or hyperthyroidism are the result of excessive thyroid gland activity. Glands located in the neck produces hormones that affect a variety of organ system functions including regulating heart rate.

Recent research conducted at the University of Florence and University of Manchester shows, hyperthyroidism can inhibit the process of erection or menegangnya male genitalia. According to this study, 6 of 10 patients with hyperthyroidism also experience erectile dysfunction.

As reported in the International Journal of Andrology, the study involved 6573 men from various countries in Europe. The participants underwent tests to determine the function of the thyroid gland, which include tests Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free Thyroxine (FT4).

Of the many participants who were examined, the scientists found a number of patients hyperthyroidism. The analysis showed, the participants with hyperthyroidism disorder 14-16 times greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared to healthy participants.

Initially the researchers suspect that the increased risk of erectile dysfunction is caused by a fatigue that is often complained of the people with hyperthyroidism. However, based on the results of the examination, erectile dysfunction is more directly related to hormonal conditions.

"Erectile dysfunction is a direct effect of hyperthyroidism, and not indirect effects due to fatigue is also triggered by hyperthyroidism," Dr. Giovanni Corona, who led the study, as quoted by WebMD, Friday (05/11/2012).

The Sex - This How To Lose Weight Throughout the Day

The Sex
The Sex - To lose weight, rather than just depending on what you eat and how much exercise, but also each component of the activities you do throughout the day.

Research shows that in most people's bodies, eat and sleep cycle has been broken completely, because improper meals and too much artificial light at night. The result, you are stuck in a 'cycle of fat, which causes a constant flow of the hunger hormone that makes you susceptible to food cravings.

In order to successfully lose weight, try doing the whole day just in time, so the cycle of the body was not disturbed.

The following activities throughout the day that help you lose weight, as reported by foxnews, Saturday (12/05/2012):

A. 6-8 hours, exercising in the morning
Within half an hour before breakfast, do at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise. Outdoor sports better, because the morning sun helps the body naturally to reset itself with the sleep cycle.

2. Hours 6:55 to 8:55, drink
Before breakfast, drink 2 glasses of water. Research shows that people who drink water before meals to lose 2 kg more weight.

3. 7-9 hours, breakfast
Also wake up the body clock ghrelin, a hormone that tells you the hunger. Ignoring ghrelin would make the body produce more, which ultimately makes you hungry. To suppress the effects of ghrelin, eat a mix of complex carbohydrates and protein, like eggs and wheat toast, one hour after waking.

4. 10-11 hours, a healthy snack
Ghrelin began to rise again a few hours before lunch. Effects of these hormones can die instantly when you eat carbohydrates and protein. Therefore, before lunch you should eat healthy snacks like fruits.

5. 12-13 hours, lunch
Galanin, another hormone that causes hunger and make you crave fat, up around lunchtime. However, fatty foods cause the body to produce more galanin, which then tells you to eat more fat. Instead, the contents of the stomach at lunchtime with complex carbohydrates and protein, like chicken-vegetable soup or brown rice with egg.

6. 14-15 hours, a short nap
No need for long, 15 to 20 minute nap can give your body energy without affecting your ability to sleep at night.

7. 15:30 hours, drinking coffee
Need to add the spirit? This is your last time to drink a cup of caffeine as coffee. Drinking coffee after 16 hours can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it difficult to sleep at night.

8. 16-18 hours, afternoon sports
This is the time to do strength training combined with cardio. At this hour, the body temperature becomes higher, so will get you primed for exercise. In one study, people who exercise in the afternoon or early evening can build muscle more than 22 percent of morning exercise.

9. 17-19 hours, dinner
To ensure you do not wake up hungry in the middle of the night, add a portion of healthy fats, like flaxseed or fish oil. If you are a drinker of wine, pour the wine at dinner. Drinking alcohol is more than these hours may interfere with REM sleep, thus making you more likely to wake up at night.

10. 21-21.30 hours, a healthy snack before bed
Enjoy a healthy snack before bedtime carbohydrate-based, such as low-fat yogurt or a banana. These snacks can make the body produce tryptophan, which helps the brain produce serotonin, a hormone that triggers the body's happy to make the sleep hormone melatonin.

11. 21-22.30 hours, turn off the TV
To be able to sleep well, you should keep your electronic devices, including a TV that can emit blue light spectrum that can interfere with sleep. For more relaxing, try reading a book or a warm bath in dim light, so you are ready to fall asleep.

12. 21.30-23 hours, sleep the night
Sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time in the morning, even on weekends, will make your circadian cycle works well.

The Sex - Indonesia-5 sequence to Most Premature gives birth, India No 1

The Sex
The Sex - The more years, more and more babies born prematurely or have not been quite the month. Every year there are approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely around the world, with India and Indonesia the largest contributor to occupy the fifth place.

According to the report 'Born too soon: the global report on preterm birth action', every year there are approximately 15 million babies were born prematurely in the world, more than one in 10 births.

More than 1 million premature babies died shortly after birth. Many others who survive but suffer from some type of physical disability for life, the nerves or the inability to receive education. Often also add huge costs to families and communities.

An estimated three-quarters of infants who die prematurely can survive without expensive treatments and preventive care that is proven and cheaply available worldwide, according to more than 100 experts who contributed to the report, which represents nearly 40 UN agencies, universities and organization.

"All the newborns are susceptible, but premature infants are more vulnerable again," UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, as reported by the site World Health Organization (WHO), Saturday (12/05/2012).

"Born too early is a killer who has not been recognized. Number of premature births almost half of all newborn deaths worldwide and is now the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years, after pneumonia," said Joy Lawn, MD, PhD, co -editor of the report and Director of Global Evidence and Policy for Save the Children.