Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Sex - Antibodies to HIV Virus Stop There on the ASI

The Sex
The Sex - Until now there is no vaccine that had been created to prevent HIV. But researchers have found new hope, known antibodies in breast milk (breast milk) can help stop the HIV virus.

Researchers at Duke University Medical Center was able to isolate antibodies from immune cells called B cells in the breast milk of infected mothers in Malawi.

The results show B cells in breast milk may produce antibodies that can inhibit the virus that causes AIDS.

"Our work helped establish that B cells in breast milk can produce neutralizing antibodies to HIV. This is a route that might be explored for HIV-1 vaccine development," said Sallie Permar, MD, PhD, asistem professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases at Duke University Medical Center, as quoted by Medindia on Wednesday (05/23/2012).

Isolation of this antibody is the first HIV antibody isolated from milk that reacts with HIV-1 envelope. It is important to understand how it works to attack HIV-1.

The study results were published on May 18 in PLoS One, the open-access journal published by the Public Library of Science.

The findings of two different antibodies that possess neutralizing HIV could help researchers investigate the transmission of adult to adult and mother to baby.

Permar said HIV-1 infection most often occurs in the mucosa of the body surface is covered with epithelial cells as in the gastrointestinal tract or vaginal tissue.

Studies conducted fairly is not easy to do this, a sample obtained from a group of women in Malawi who were recruited by the CHAVI for this study. Samples taken subsequently frozen and taken for analysis.

"Breastfeeding should be kept under the right conditions to melt and then performed testing B cells, and to isolate the antibody itself is a challenge," said Permar.

The Sex - Really Intimate Relationship Can Reduce Stress?

The Sex
The Sex - Doc, is it true that sex can reduce stress and are there ways that we might still look mighty greng and traditional fixed without drugs? Please tips the most telling. Thank you


Sexual intercourse is very beneficial to health.

Clearly, when the orgasm, the body will release hormones 'Endorphin' which will increase the body's immunity (immune system) and make the body become relaxed.

In order to remain strong sexual fitness to be supported by regular physical exercise, balanced nutrition and stress management such as control and cope with stress with positive thinking.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The Sex - Happened On the Sleeping Smoker

The Sex
The Sex - Adverse effects of smoking not only damage the respiratory system and blood vessels, but also on sleep hygiene. Not just making do not sleep soundly, but much of that smoking can also cause sleep apnea at risk for stroke.

Smoking can interfere with sleep in some way. In the long term, smoking can also cause serious sleep disorders are at risk of death.

Here are some of the bad effects of smoking on sleep hygiene, as reported by Livestrong, Wednesday (05/25/2012):

A. Reducing time to sleep soundly
The most dramatic effect of smoking on sleep is a reduction in time required to sleep in or sleep. Journal 'Chest' in 2008 reported that chronic smokers spend more time in light sleep, especially in the early evening.

Culprit is nicotine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Ironically, because the nicotine in the blood flow is reduced during the night, increased withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety and insomnia.

2. Frequent night awakenings
In addition to not sleeping soundly, smoking also increases the fragmentation of sleep that causes you to wake up in the middle of the night.

3. High risk of sleep apnea
Smoking is also an independent risk factor for sleep disorders known as dangerous obstructive sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). According to the Mayo Clinic, smokers are three times more likely to have OSA than those who never smoked.

During the OSA, the airways are narrowed or blocked, preventing enough oxygen from reaching the brain during sleep. Snoring (snoring) is very hard and panting are two common symptoms of OSA.

If left untreated this condition can cause pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in lung blood vessels), heart failure and premature death.

Smoking increases the risk of OSA because it irritates the throat habits and causes blockage of the evening.

The Sex - Saturated Can Men Have Sex?

The Sex
The Sex - During this time the man known as being a lot more thought or desire for sexual affairs. But it's actually a man can feel bored having sex?

"Saturation of sexual intercourse may be experienced by men," said Prof sexology expert. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS detikHealth when contacted on Wednesday (05/23/2012).

Prof Wimpie said there are several things that can cause a man to have sex that is saturated:
A. If sexual relations are perceived less favorably
2. Have problems with their partner
3. Have certain diseases that can affect sex life

Therefore if a man is saturated with sexual relations it is necessary to first look for what cause, is associated with psychological factors, physical or relationship with a partner.

"Therefore, to overcome any different, the cause must be addressed first," said Prof. Wimpie who is Professor of Andrology and Sexology Department of the Medical Faculty Udayana University.

If there is no disease that is owned, then do variations in the style of lovemaking can also help overcome the boredom they experienced.

However, if due to health problems should consult first with your doctor and do not buy the medicine in vain.

If saturation is experienced as a result of problems in pairs, then discuss it carefully, because there is no problem that can not be resolved.

If you've seen any signs of saturation in the marriage then do not hesitate to make a second honeymoon.

The Sex - Tabu Lho But this is important

The Sex
The Sex - Although the modern era has been, but still many people who consider taboo to talk about sex. Although it is always practically taboo, but talking about sex is important.

Taboo subject of sex by reason of certain norms can be turned into a boomerang, because it would create problems related to reproductive health to be not handled properly.

"If it was always covered up so many people to figure it out yourself and the more concern there is no sex education for many young women who become pregnant out of wedlock or a lot of people subject to sexual transmitted diseases," said Zoya Amirin sexual psychologist, MPsi some time ago and written detikHealth, Wednesday (23/05/2012).

Zoya says do not think sex is a negative thing, because sex is important for adults as the need to eat and drink every day. But that does not mean people are free to have sex, because sex is good sex is responsible.

"Sex should be discussed from the scientific side and people have to get used to not think negative or dirty, so people could understand what was happening to her body and how to deal with it. For those who think sex is a taboo was largely a latent danger," said Zoya who graduated from S1 psychology in the UI.

The same is expressed by a sexology expert Prof. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS that is still quite a lot of people who consider talking about sexuality is taboo or disrespectful.

"But the situation is now much better than at the beginning when I started socializing on sexology about 30 years ago," said Prof. Wimpie who is also Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Sexology.

Even so, Prof. Wimpie reveal the saddest thing is that many parties who want to talk about sex when what is being said is not based on knowledge.

Therefore, sex is something that is necessary and important to talk to people not looking out the wrong way. Zoya said that talking about sex with a good will bring more information to the public on what kind of sex is healthy and safe.

In children and adolescents can be taught about sex education is good and true, teens who have started puberty should also be taught about the importance of contraception.

"Teach teens to know that does not mean taking contraceptive sex, but introduces the danger of indiscriminate sex, protect from sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies," said Zoya.