Thursday, May 10, 2012

Genetic mutations Make The Swedish Diabetes 15 Liter / Day

the sex and health
the sex and health - Urination is usually not more than 1.5 liters / day, but some people in Sweden can do up to 15 liters / day. The cause of the disorder has been around since 100 years ago is finally revealed, namely due to genetic mutations.

Since the 1800s, residents in rural areas adjacent to the Norwegian Varmland many are experiencing a strange disease.

Within a day, these people can urinate up to 15 liters, so need to drink the same amount to maintain body fluid balance.

Strange disease was recently revealed by Dr Johan Jendle, a doctor from Karlstad Hospital.

If so far unexplained, strange diseases can now be classified as one type of kidney disorder called diabetes insipidus.

"Sufferers sometimes can not be far away from the toilet and at times must have easy access to drinking water," said Dr. Jendle in a local newspaper his Wermlands-Tidningen, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (10/05/2012).

Dr Jendle managed to uncover the causes behind this mysterious illness after a history tracing Varmland residents, including descendants are now scattered all over Sweden. The cause is none other than genetic mutation, which is estimated to have occurred since the 1800's.

As a result, approximately 50 percent hereditary Varmland villagers suffering from this disease due to inherited genetic factors.

Simple blood tests can be done to emngetahui a person inherits a genetic factor or not, so that treatment can be done before symptoms appear.

In addition to genetic factors triggered, the disease could also be triggered by other causes. Damage to the pituitary gland can also lead to excessive waste of water, as well as tumor growth and the presence of trauma or violence in the urinary tract.

Obesity During Pregnancy Inhibition of Oxygen supply to the fetus and can be Fatal

the sex and health
the sex and health - Pregnant women who are overweight can cause health risks to the fetus in her womb. The risk may be as dire as the effects of smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages while pregnant.

Pregnant women who suffer from obesity would face the danger of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature babies, and tend to give birth to children who suffer from diabetes and heart disease. In fact, a study found obese women have the possibility of having a child with autism nearly 70 percent.

Reasons for this are unclear, but the Canadian study concluded that obesity is undermining the development of blood vessels in the placenta, which in turn limits oxygen to the fetus.

"The babies in the womb has been programmed to respond to the things that happened to her mother so that it can grow up to be obese, hypertension, diabetes and heart problems later in life," said Dr. Gruslin Andree, a fetal specialist at the University of Ottawa as reported from canada, Thursday (10/05/2012).

The team behind the study warn that these studies using animal subjects, which can not guarantee will occur also in humans.

But other studies on humans also showed that of 300,000 births in Canada each year, about 23 percent of pregnant women who are obese have a number of complications in childbirth.

"This figure includes the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth, too small or too large. Children are also more likely to be at risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes later in life. This is probably due to lack of oxygen supply to the fetus during the
content, "said Sandeep Raha, a biochemist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario who was one of the research team.

Miss V abrasions with 3 Steps Can Overcome It

the sex and health
the sex and health - Injury to the vagina or tear is a common problem in women who are sexually active. Although usually not serious, vaginal sores can cause discomfort. But you can prevent injury to the vagina.

"Wounds and tearing of the vagina after intercourse is normal. But if your partner's semen on the open sores on your vagina, the pain will arise such as stinging," said Dr. Edwin Huang, a gynecologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Although only a small wound in the vagina, it should not be ignored because it can affect the sexual experience and make women uncomfortable.

Get to know in advance the cause of injury to the vagina before taking preventive measures, ie usually due to vaginal dryness.

When aroused, the vagina of a woman naturally produces fluid that lubricates the area during sexual activity, function to reduce friction that can irritate or tear the skin of the vagina.

If the vagina is not lubricated enough, will cause the wound dry vagina during intercourse. You can try some preventative actions and as quoted from everydayhealth, Thursday (05/10/2012) are as follows:

A. Using the lubricant

Water-based lubricants can help you cope with vaginal dryness. Product of oil-based lubricants can cause condoms to put you at risk of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

In addition, many women are allergic to the oil-based lubricants and can cause irritation of the vagina.

2. Warmed up for longer

Foreplay stimulation of the vagina before sexual intercourse, more a good way to keep the vagina is not injured by friction during sex. Foreplay can motivate a vagina to lubricate itself naturally.

3. Sex positions

The position of women on top or woman on top has a smaller risk for vaginal injuries due to more women can control the friction.

With only some knowledge about the causes and proper precautions, vaginal sores can be avoided, and your sexual experience will be more comfortable and enjoyable.

Factors affecting the vaginal dryness, among others:

A. Menopause

Women of childbearing age have a higher rate of vaginal moisture, even when not sexually aroused, than women who had menopause.

During menopause, estrogen levels begin to decline. Lack of hormonal stimulation sometimes causes vaginal dryness that causes injury.

2. Heating is too short

Cause sexual arousal and vaginal secretions are not enough foreplay before intercourse can cause vaginal dryness.

If the vaginal fluid that you remove only a little and not rush to penetration, the vagina will be drier than it should. And tearing of the vagina so that the wound is more likely to occur.

3. History of abuse

While this is not the most common cause of vaginal dryness, but a history of sexual abuse can affect women as sex relations.

Victims of abuse may have difficulty relaxing during intercourse or feel uncomfortable when foreplay.

This makes it difficult to inflame. Sexual arousal causes the vagina to produce additional liquid.

If you are not aroused, your body will not produce vaginal fluid, making you more at risk for injury to the vagina.

4. Other causes of vaginal sores

Some sex positions tend to cause more injury and tearing of the vagina than others.

Besides using sex toys can also be a factor causing injury because sometimes made of materials that can irritate the skin or sharp and rough texture.

Can Be Eaten Before Bed But Not Make You Fat

the sex and health
the sex and health - Not a few people who like to eat in the evening or at bedtime. But many are afraid if the numbers on the scales continue to rise. No need to worry, there are some healthy foods in the food and not gain weight even if enjoyed before bed.

Eating at night can raise the weight when it contains excessive caloric load. Fortunately, some nutritious foods can be friendly with weight and can be a snack that can be taken before bed.

Here are some foods to eat before bed and do not make fat, as reported by Livestrong, Thursday (10/05/2012):

A. Fruits
Fruits provide valuable amount of fiber, which promotes appetite control. Because it contains a lot of water, fresh fruits allows you to get a sense of fullness with fewer calories.

Examples of fruit can be eaten before the meal is a banana. Bananas provide additional benefits of tryptophan, an amino acid that is believed to promote tranquility.
Other fruits such example is very high in fiber and water such as berries, oranges, pears and apples.

2. Vegetable
Vegetables also provide adequate water and fiber. Vegetables are very high in fiber eg beans, lentils, peas, broccoli and dark green vegetables. Potatoes and soybeans contain a valuable amount of tryptophan that makes the nerves calm.

3. Low-fat milk
Low-fat dairy products like skim milk and low-fat yogurt is a nutritious source prorein with a low glycemic index. Lowering the glycemic load can help you lose weight by delaying the hunger signals.

4. Whole wheat
Whole wheat provides a low glycemic index and rich in fiber so that a proper choice of snacks for the night. For example, instead of chocolate chip cookies with whole wheat or whole grain muffins cakes. Other nutritious foods such as brown rice, whole wheat bread and popcorn without additives (salt or sugar).

Just failed Erection Wife, But Just Can Affair

the sex and health
the sex and health - Doc, I've got a guy married children, a wife of 35 years of age. Was less than 1 year I had a hard erection when you want to connect with his wife so that the frequency of sexual intercourse is very rare even within the last 6 months I did not get an erection when trying to have sex with his wife.

Strangely when I do it with WIL (another dream woman) aged 35 years, no problem. What is the problem doc? How to improve conditions in order to get an erection when I will be dealing with a wife? Thank you


When the ML with a wife can not erect penis, with the WIL (Women Wanted Other) mighty erect penis. Problem which is often experienced by couples who have been married for so long is "BORING" (boredom, saturation).

Clearly, from physical, sexual fitness you are still optimal. You are not a sufferer of ED (Erectile Dysfunction). However, intercourse is not only physical factors, psychological factors also played a part. When ML with WIL, physical factors are supported by psychological factors which shape, not "boring", to the ML runs smoothly. With his wife, psychological factors "strike".

It is recommended that you speak from the heart with a precautionary wife, for which sensual moments when the ML at the start of a beautiful marriage can be started again. Using drugs will not work erektogenik, all sexual desire (libido) you "goes out" when dealing with the wife.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.