Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Sex - Male vs Female Condom Condom, Choose Which?

the sex
The Sex - Condoms are commonly used by men is identical. Although limited in number, condoms were available to women. Then what is the difference between male and female condoms?

Condoms are effective contraception to prevent pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS. Not just for men, condoms were available to women although overshadowed by the male condom which is now being sold.

Here are some of the differences and similarities between male and female condoms, as reported by onlymyhealth and, Saturday (14/07/2012):

Male condom

    Male condoms more readily available and are available with a variety of flavors and shapes
    The price of male condoms are relatively cheaper
    Male condom is considered more effective than the female condom, with 85 percent effectiveness for preventing pregnancy.
    Use a male condom right before sexual intercourse
    Male condom has a tight ring at the tip, which is intended to facilitate the use of a condom on the penis.
    Should be stored carefully, away from sharp objects, hot and humid, since it is easily damaged.
    Easily damaged when used with oil-based lubricants.

Female condom

    Effective in preventing pregnancy by 75 percent
    There are two rings on the inside and outside. The inner ring helps to use (insertion into the vagina) and keep the condom firmly in place during intercourse. While the outer ring serves to prevent the condom slipping into the vagina.
    Female condom use is not dependent on male erection, so it can be inserted into the vagina up to 8 hours before intercourse.
    The female condom made of polyurethane or nitrile, which makes it strong and durable.
    No need to store it in special circumstances as resistant to moisture and high temperatures.
    Can be used in conjunction with a lubricant, either oil or water based.
    The female condom should not be used in conjunction with a male condom because it can be damaged due to friction during sexual intercourse.

Both have positive and negative sides. Some people like to use male condoms, while others hate. The same is true for the female condom. It's all about the needs and preferences, all depending on your taste.

The Sex - Karezza, Intimate Relations is Not Need Orgasms

the sex
The Sex - Most people love to be able to achieve orgasm, because when the orgasm, the brain releases a hormone that raises a large number of pleasurable sensations.

However, there are also couples who had sex without orgasm purposely through Karezza technique. That said, this method can increase the intimacy.

Many couples consider sex as a savior of marriage, drug addiction and even treat sexual dysfunction.

Until 1896, Dr. Alice Bunker Stockham, an obstetrician at Chicago created karezza techniques.

Stockham created a technique that men resist orgasm, but she also encourages women to do the same on the grounds of equality.

Karezza, derived from the Italian term 'Carezza' which means fondling. Karezza sex is the kind of relationships that do not look at the orgasm and emphasize caresses of affection between couples.

Non-orgasmic sex techniques began to be seen as a natural alternative to viagra substitute, treating sexual dysfunction and low sex drive of women.

Deb Feintech, marriage counselor from Portland, Maine, admitted that he often uses Karezza as a way to restore a damaged client relationships.

"Most of the most interested are male. Method is very radical, but they find the emotional intimacy that goes far beyond sensations and feelings that exist within marriage," said Feintech as reported by ABC News, Friday (13/07/2012).

Feintech added, the practice of Karezza is not only helping an elderly couple who are bored with her marriage, but also helped a young couple who had just entered into the covenant of marriage. At a young couple, this method is usually offered to try for 1 month or more.

According Marnia Robinson, author of 'Cupid's Poisoned Arrow', Karezza strength has to do with the nervous and hormonal activity increased when the orgasm that makes people drunk biochemistry.

However, excessive stimulation of the brain can decrease sensitivity to sex or to make people actually have an excessive sex drive.

The researchers examined the relationship between sexual behavior, neurochemistry and harmony in the relationship. The result found that the activity in 80 different brain regions reached maximum levels during orgasm.

So that brain activity can be back to normal, it takes 15 days. At this time it can cause drastic mood changes.

"In the cycle of arousal orgasm, the hormone dopamine levels increase when having sex and then dropped dramatically after orgasm. As a result, there was a sensation like a drunk," said Robinson.

Karezza the emphasis is on love and sex as easily as regular practice. If when making love to feel the urge to orgasm, then couples to relax and breathe deeper for longer. This will calm the breathing muscle tension and push against the trigger orgasm breath.

Nevertheless, do not be practiced Karezza long. This method is mostly used to enhance the intimacy of the couple and fix the marriage relationship is a bit disturbed.

"It's like climbing Mount Everest at altitudes of 10,000 feet but never reached the peak. No one wants to keep that way," said Darryl Keil (56 years) who have been practicing Karezza for 8 years.