Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sex - Should not Always Treated, Cough Sometimes There Just in Mind

the sex
The Sex -Many people are too dependent upon the drug when it starts to complain of coughing. Yet according to research, sometimes cough only in the mind and still recover even if only given the fake drugs that are not empty.

Research conducted at the University of Queensland involved 21 adults who are asked to inhale steam containing capcaicin sting. This steam is made from an extract of chili, which in this study functioned as a cough stimulus.

Previously, some participants were asked to inhale the spray by the researcher is said to contain a local anesthetic called lidocain. In theory, the administration of lidocaine would reduce the cough response, so that participants were more resistant to steam inhale without coughing chili.

Sure enough, the participants were first sprayed with a drug before inhaling the vapors chili less coughing. Cough stimuli experienced by the participants in this group rendan 45 percent more than participants who did not spray any medicine.

But after research, the scientists revealed that the drug was sprayed alias placebo drug is empty so it does not directly affect repons cough. This means that without treatment, cough can actually resolve themselves by means of controlling the mind.

"I was very surprised at how much the participants on the use of a placebo response. This is huge," said Stuart Mazzone, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (19/06/2012).

Previously, research at Cardiff University has also been revealed that the placebo effect is working on a complaint mild cough. Cure rates in patients given placebo or empty drug given just the same as a real cough.

"I think the key is, that if the patient believes in the treatment of any drug (including the empty drug) effects will still arise," said Ronald Eccles, a researcher from Cardiff University.

The Sex - Old age is not reason to Reduce Portion Sex

the sex
The Sex - Many people think to reduce their sexual activity as women age. With age, there is a change in your sexual life, but if it is still normal, not a problem for you untu still enjoy sex in old age.

As reported by the everydayheath, Wednesday (20/06/2012), at the age of 50 years, men and women usually begin to see changes in sexual drive, sexual response, or both.

As with other physical changes that evolve over time, this is not a sign that you will lose sexuality, but that is normal sign of aging.

When a man enters the age of 50 years, normal aging will lead to decreased sex drive, it takes a long time to erection, and you may also be longer ejaculate, unlike when you're young.

Women, too, when entering the age of 50 years, will be a decrease of estrogen and androgen levels when menopause causes physical changes.

Normal aging in women is indicated by signs such as decreased sex drive, skin is more sensitive and sex may be painful due to vaginal dryness.

If the sexual changes that seem unrelated to the normal aging signs, consult your doctor situation. There are a number of drugs that can cause sexual problems, in addition to health conditions can also cause sexual problems.

With a little experimentation and patience, people can adjust to sexual changes and satisfy their sexual needs. Take the time to create a relaxed mood and engage in foreplay.

Use a lubricant when vaginal dryness so as not to hinder the old woman to enjoy sex. Sexual activity can still be made despite growing older ages, because it helps strengthen the couple when entering old age.