Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Sex - Myth of the First Night of Many Trust

the sex
The Sex - When the first night, the couple usually feels pleased and tense. It is more common in couples who do it for the first time. Why? Because there are many false myths about the first night can frighten. Though it is not necessarily the case.

Here are some false myths about the first night that many believed, as reported by Boldsky, Saturday (07/07/2012):

1. Myth: The first night she must be bleeding

According to most men, bleeding is a sign to prove that the woman was a virgin because when the hymen breaks, a woman will experience bleeding. However, the fact that not all women have to bleed to prove her virginity.

Frequent exercise which relaxes the pelvic muscles, lack of blood vessels in the hymen or the amount of lubrication, are all factors that can prevent women do not experience bleeding during the first intercourse.

2. Myth: Sex is always painful the first time

Many women are afraid to have sex just because he can not imagine letting her partner's penis into the vagina. It is believed that so much is now a myth. In fact, as not all women experience bleeding at first intercourse, as not all women have a hymen is intact. First time sex so painful when the hymen is still there.

Enough foreplay is the easiest method to make sex less painful first. And plus, some sports such as cycling, horse riding, martial arts and can stretch the hymen a little damage and make the muscles around the genitals become more tenuous, thus making sex the first time not too painful.

So do not worry, if the first night it was painful to do gradually.

3. Myth: Urinate after sex to prevent pregnancy

There is a myth that if a woman urinate immediately after sex, the sperm can get out of the vaginal canal so as to prevent pregnancy. When in fact, urine excreted through the ureter (bladder), while the sperm does not enter the uterus through the bladder. So it is not possible to prevent pregnancy only way to urinate after intercourse.

The Sex - Men who Easily Excited More Difficult Controlling Passion The sex

the sex
The Sex - Sex drive in men appear quickly and are often hard to control. There are some men who managed to reduce gejolaknya, but not a few men who do not successfully control the urge to make love. Scientists have discovered why it can happen.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia has found that men who can regulate sexual arousal is proved to be a people who can control his emotions.

"We suspect that if an individual can set up an emotional response to the well, then he will be able to arrange other emotional responses," said the researcher, Jason Winters as reported by Mid-Day, Friday (07/06/2012).

The study found that the average participant is able to control his sexual arousal when instructed to do so. In fact, researchers found an average decrease of erectile response by 25 percent.

"Men are more easily excited we found less able to control his sexual arousal. While men tend to restrain the expression of emotions are better able to prevent the erection," says Winters.

The study also found that men are best able to control the response to the porn video are also able to control his response when watching a comedy video. The opposite is true in people who are unable to control his response when I saw a comedy video.

"The most surprising finding is some people are more sexually aroused when trying to control his sexual arousal. In other words, they are more stimulated in the trial when asked to control his passion than an experiment in which they are only required to watch video," said Winters.

According to researchers, this occurs because of the increased anxiety experienced by participants. The same happens when asking someone to not think of a white elephant. People are most worried are the most difficult to not think about a white elephant.