Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Sex - Do not Wear Knickers Habits Affect testicles?

the sex
The Sex - Doc, when the maximum erect and in a long time (not until ejaculation), the left testicles so slightly down compared to the right. Then arises a sense of pain or tenderness in the testicles.

I used to have a habit of not using the CD while traveling and on my testicles childhood friend ever kicked.

Is this the cause? Is the future when I get married can affect the quality of my sperm? How to dock the solution? Please enlightenment, thank you.

Rohman (Single Male, 25 years),
Height 171 cm and weight 62 Kg


Habit of not wearing underwear when traveling, as well as testicles that never kicked a childhood friend in the cause of the decline is expected not left scrotum during erection.

Sense of pain and pain in the scrotum when the penis is erect should be observed as inflammation or neural retraction.

Sperm quality would be affected if there is inflammation of the old, for example due to illness Mumps (parotitis).

Hernia retraction Scrotalis innervation can result, namely 'intestinal hernia', namely the entry of the intestine into the scrotum (scrotal sac).

It is recommended that you consult with Urology Specialists to determine the cause and treatment.

Dr. Andri Wanananda, MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

The Sex - Natural Ways to Do It For Pregnant Couples

the sex
The Sex - Pregnancy can be avoided without the use of contraceptives is a natural contraception method. There are at least four ways in which couples to avoid pregnancy.

The trick is to avoid having sex when the woman is ovulating, when the egg is fertilized by a sperm available. There are also ways in which men do not release sperm in the woman's vagina.

Following four natural contraception method that you can do to prevent pregnancy, as reported from onlymyhealth, Thursday (07/19/2012), namely:

1. Calendar method

By using this method, the ovulation period is calculated based on 12 women before menstrual periods. This can be a benchmark for determining the first day and last day of a woman's fertility.

Natural contraceptive methods by implementing a calendar system is to reduce the 18 days of the menstrual period 11 days from the shortest and longest menstrual period last menstrual cycle in 12, each of which is the first and last fertile day.

This way you will get an overview of the day when the body ovulates. Avoid having sex at that time to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. The effectiveness of this method is about 80 percent.

2. Basal body temperature method

Woman's basal body temperature while it is in a different time of ovulation your body temperature daily. When ovulation, the body undergoes a shift in basal body temperature of up to 0.05 degrees.

This contraceptive method requires that you measure your body temperature first before having sex. But this method does not have a high success rate because it is not easy to measure body temperature accurately.

3. Coitus interruptus (Withdrawal)

Coitus interruptus is a natural contraception method that relies heavily on the ability of men and the guard. This method requires that a man removing his penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculation of semen.

This is the simplest natural contraceptive but men have to compromise on their sexual pleasure because many feel is the maximum pleasure by doing this. In addition, the success of this method is only about 65 percent.

This means that about 35 percent of women may still be pregnant after using this method. This method actually requires timely for him to pull his penis.

4. Cervical mucus

In this contraceptive method, the previous rate and volume of cervical mucus was measured in relation to ovulation. Cervical mucus can be examined with a finger in your vagina to identify the days of dry and wet.

While it is fertile, her vagina will be wet by the cervical mucus for days. This method depends on the observation of changes in the consistency and volume of cervical mucus associated with ovulation.

There are 10 wet days in the menstrual cycle of 28 days. Wet day began with a 2 to 3 days marked with a sticky white mucus, followed by 3 to 5 days abundant and slippery mucus.

The last stage is when there is a sticky mucus for 3 days, after the fertile period is over. The success rate using this method is as much as 78 percent simply because some women failed to properly observe the sticky mucus.