Monday, June 11, 2012

The Sex - Do not Have a Say-say If the disease is

the sex
The Sex - Disease can indeed be up to anyone who is not smart to maintain health and hygiene. But there are some diseases that are categorized as shameful and a lot of hidden people.

Diseases that can disgrace usually associated with body odor and cleanliness. Quite often the sufferer embarrassment search of treatment for fear of betraying others.

Here are some diseases that often make people ashamed, as reported, Monday (6/11/2012):

1. Anal itching
This condition can be awkward and make a person lose his confidence. How not extreme itching can make sufferers scratching in public.

Itching is initially normal, but if left untreated would worsen. Sometimes this is caused by an infection or skin problems like eczema. Try to live a clean lifestyle.

2. Frequent farting
Normally the wind will issue aka fart 25 times a day. But certain conditions can make people fart too much, as after chewing gum, smoking or chewing food slowly. This condition can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease that can lead to excessive flatulence.

The solution, avoid foods like beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage if you are prone to flatulence. Stop smoking and chew food slowly can also help.

3. Fungus and ringworm
Disorders such as skin fungus and ringworm fungus often considered shameful disease because it deals with personal hygiene. Besides the diseases caused by this fungus was causing strange marks on the skin which can lower self-esteem.

3. Whitish
In fact many women experience vaginal discharge, but the itching and odor in the genital Daera often make women feel embarrassed to seek help.

Vaginal discharge caused by infection in the female are mostly caused by Candida yeast infections. When this fungus grows in the vagina cause excessive abnormal discharge known as leucorrhea.

If your immune system is weak and the amount of probiotics in the body of the fungus Candida little will grow in an uncontrolled manner. Other effects can be felt sometimes accompanied by itching, pain during intercourse, or there was blood.

4. Hemorrhoid
Sitting uncomfortable, discomfort in the anus even bloody, often complained of by patients hemorhoid (pile). These symptoms are sometimes also make sufferers ashamed to seek help.

5. Body odor and breath
Body odor and breath most often make people feel ashamed of the direct effect by other people. Try to maintain personal hygiene and consult with because sometimes the disorder is associated with a particular disease.

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