Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Sex - Best Orgasm Relieve Symptoms of PMS Drugs Coming to Haid

the sex
The Sex - Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) was almost felt by women around the world. This condition can be very annoying because it can make women irritability, acne and mood changes abruptly. Orgasm can be one of the best drug to relieve symptoms of PMS ahead of menstruation.

Although there is no scientific research that underlies, but many women who experience PMS symptoms change after marriage. The cause is the orgasm.

By their very nature, an orgasm can essentially eliminate the tension, release energy, stress, congestion, minor aches and pains.

During sexual stimulation before orgasm, the body becomes more excited and increase blood pressure, respiration and heart rate. Blood vessels and tissues in the genital area occupied by the blood that causes enlargement of the clitoris, labia swelling and vaginal lubrication.

As the peak of excitement, tension in muscles throughout the body to cross the line and there was an orgasm. When orgasm convulsions occurred in various parts of the body, including legs, abdomen, arms and back.

Vaginal muscles to relax and contract rapidly, as do the muscles of the uterus. Watery vaginal glands release secretion, vaginal lubrication, which is equivalent to ejaculation in men.

In addition any body releases endorphins, hormones in the brain that makes people feel happy. Endorphins are substances that are naturally formed in the body to relieve pain. These hormones also help to regulate the hormonal system.

Orgasm works well to relieve symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain. Orgasm can release stress and tension in the area of ​​female reproduction, which is driven by muscle contractions of the uterus. Released endorphins that can reduce menstrual pain terkair, as reported by, Sunday (06/03/2012).

The Sex - To be strong, Banana Better Than Energy Drinks

the sex
The Sex - Not a few athletes or athletes who use energy drinks to increase stamina. Though energy drinks contain lots of sugar that could be dangerous. Instead, the banana becomes a better choice.

A recent study shows that energy drinks can beat bananas as a source of stamina for the athletes. The fruit is rich in potassium and nutrients, which has always been a favorite for endurance runners and cyclists.

More recently scientists have confirmed that the banana can provide the same level of energy with carbohydrate drinks. Besides bananas also contain natural sugars that are healthier than sports drinks.

The results showed that bananas contain antioxidants that are not found in sports drinks, which makes it have a greater nutritional boost.

"It shows a healthy source of energy is still able to support high kinergi an athlete," said Dr. David Nieman, of Appalachian State University in North Carolina told the Daily Express, as reported by Indiavision, Sunday (03/06/2012).

Sports or energy drinks usually contain water and electrolytes, like sodium and potassium to relieve dehydration and carbohydrates, like sugar to energy. This drink is capable of filling the body fluids and provide extra fuel for sporting events with long duration or approximately 90 minutes.

Unfortunately, sugar and acid content of these types of drinks which are usually quite high, so that it can harm the body and increase the risk of diabetes and the crash energy.

In addition, like all sour and sweet drinks, energy drinks also contribute to tooth decay. So it is important to consider a sports drink when you exercise.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Sex - Can Breast Touched Accidental Grow Big?

the sex
The Sex - There is some news that many in the community about breast development, one of which is believed if the breast is touched accidentally by another person can make a big plus.

The experts said that the news is not true, because the breasts are touched by others will not make it grow bigger. This shows the amount of misinformation about breast development.

In addition to the news, there are many other myths out there that is still widely trusted by society, such as creams or pills to enlarge breasts, as quoted from Kidshealth, Saturday (06/02/2012).

In fact, there are two things that determine the growth of breast genes and hormones. Sometimes there are some women breast growth faster than others, and this growth occurs until the end of adolescence.

Usually the size of the breast that has owned it difficult to grow or enlarge naturally without using any assistance such as implants or other plastic surgery.

Generally the way a natural breast enlarging the community is committed to a particular sport that can strengthen chest muscles so that your breasts will look somewhat full and growing.

Even so most women have a breast size fluctuates throughout his life. This is because the change when she reached puberty, pregnancy and lactation.

In addition to exercising the chest muscles can improve strength, should also be accompanied by a good diet, exercise and adequate sleep in order to help develop a healthy body.

The Sex - This People Experiencing Stress Due Baldness

the sex
The Sex - High stress or anxiety can have a significant impact to the body. But these men go bald due to stress and anxiety about the financial problems of money aka.

Losing a job or have a problem with finances can affect health, including the hair. Recent studies have found that approximately 41 percent of people who lose their jobs experience thinning hair.

Baldness can affect a person's psychological because it made him feel very bad and horrible. Here are some people who experience hair loss due to stress, as quoted by The Sun, Saturday (02/06/2012), namely:

1. Joanna Wojick
He has a stress-related alopecia. At first he was having problems with your spouse and do not get a job that makes a pretty intense experience stress. He also turned into a depressed, unhappy and experiencing hair loss.

When touched or shook his head, shampooing to find a hair stuck to her pillow. The condition got worse when he go bald on one side of the head is quite scary.

"I do not want to go out or meet friends as embarrassed and upset with this bald. I do not know if stress can make hair fall out, but this is really happening and lose my confidence," he said.

He was told that her hair can not grow again, until finally he made of artificial hair. Hair is woven to the head so it looks natural.

2. Adrian
Adrian Goulden (53 years) he begins to experience stress when his business failed, threatened with bankruptcy and lost their homes due to the recession. After his business failed he began to find clumps of hair on the pillows and the bathroom lines are clogged due to the hair.

"I realized it was not normal because the hair loss occurs so suddenly and dramatically as it is very noticeable. I feel embarrassed and think this condition can also affect my sex drive," he said.

His hair was thinning slowly, especially around the forehead, and men generally do not like to admit that the hair loss will threaten his masculinity. He was taking anti-depressant drugs to overcome this problem.

3. Kerrie
Kerrie Boardman (30 years) experience hair loss at 20s after years of feeling the stress of her mother's sudden death. This is because since the age of 18 he lived with his mother after his parents decided to split up.

Death of her mother made her anxious and stressed, it affects the physical condition and also develop a skin condition that makes it psioriasis lose their confidence.

Then about 3 years ago he began to see a receding hairline and the doctor says it is associated with stress and there was nothing he could do. He also recommended a supplement to strengthen the hair follicles with nutrients. Slowly, her hair began to thicken and decreases anxiety.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Sex - The body reaction to Make Love Shy While Medium

the sex
The Sex - Sex is fun, but when the act of intercourse is sometimes the body cause certain reactions are somewhat embarrassing. What are they?

While we were having sex, both partners may not realize that another body raises certain reactions. But if having a reaction, you may be ashamed.

These reactions are the most embarrassing body, which can occur when you have sex, as reported by indiansutras, Friday (01/06/2012):

1. fart

When having sex, couples often want to waste gas aka fart. Actually this is a reaction to the scientific body but can be very embarrassing when it happens while you're making love. This can ruin the mood of one or even both partners.

2. Want to urinate

In the midst of the joy of sex, women often feel the urge to urinate. This can be embarrassing as well as annoying as it could divert mood (mood) and damage the sex drive.

3. Fart from the vagina (queefing)

Many couples complain that the vagina can release gas, which is actually a queefing. Queefing is spending occurring gas from the vagina during intercourse.

It is more common in the doggy style position, because the entry of more air into the vagina. It is a shame because it would create noise like a fart while having sex.

4. belch

Common kiss during sex. But imagine your partner suddenly burped while kissing. The stench that comes from the mouth of course will make you embarrassed in front of the couple, who may lower sexual desire.