Friday, May 4, 2012

Trick Down Weight After Childbirth: Eat But Not Reduce the Change Type

One thing I want to do after giving birth is gaining weight as before pregnancy. If you want to diet after giving birth to reduce the amount of food but not the kind note.

"Women who give birth out of breastfeeding should not reduce the amount of food but the foods are to be selected," said Dr. Samoel Oetoro, MS, SpGK in a press conference Seventh Seminar and Obesity Course at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Friday (04/05/2012) .

Samoel dr said when breastfeeding should enter the amount of calories plus 500 calories, equivalent to 1 serving lunch a lot. But that weight is not increased, then it can be lowered slowly by choosing the right foods.

For example, to choose complex carbohydrates like brown rice or boiled potatoes are eaten with the skin, drinking olive oil (olive oil) or for additional in salads, while the protein choose fish.

Consumed foods should avoid fried, but choose a healthier way of cooking such as steamed, boiled, Pepes, roast or soup, and be sure to exercise.

"Banyakin eating fiber, fruits and vegetables, would be down 2-3 kg a month. That's called a moderate diet is to lose weight bit by bit and it's safe," said Dr. MRCCC Samoel who practice in Siloam, Semanggi.

In addition, if not breastfeeding, dr Samoel give some tips or ways to get the ideal body that is:
A. Intention and motivation, know in advance what his intentions, for example to get the ideal body weight, or if you are young to the age of 50 years there will not be in a wheelchair due to heart but can still play with the family.
2. Reduce by a quarter portion of her eating normally.
3. Exercise like a walk for 30 minutes. For which this is not necessary to the gym (fitness center) and exercise like crazy, but could for example with a walk in the mall for 30 minutes nonstop, especially cold that makes the mall is usually a higher fat burning.

"Motivation is an emerging need or accompanied dijagain therefore need support, people who are dieting there are ups and down, when down it must be accompanied either by friends or family," he said.

In addition all participating pasein weight loss programs would suffer, but suffering it will generally be defeated by the intentions they have.

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